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Feb 2013 · 678
Why'd you have to call?
Cruz Ramos Feb 2013
Why the **** did you have to call?
I was doing so well then you had to go and bring up those sweet summer memories.
Its been a while since we spoke and I thought I'd never hear from you again.
I guess that was just wishful thinking.
Each day I grew stronger but since Thursday I've been letting my weaknesses show.
Its nothing I can't get through, just subtle lapses in differentiating between a broken heart and a cluttered head.
I know it in my soul that we can't ever be the same again even if I did give you a second chance.
It was never easy but things were looking up.
Now I'm back on that rocky road with you, worrying if I'm making the right choice in closing communication pathways or if I'm losing something great.
At the end of the day you can blame it on the distance but we both know its your fault things are the way they are.
I live in love, loving hard when there's love to be had.
I guess it was just too much for you to bear.
Oct 2012 · 726
Distance is the enemy
Cruz Ramos Oct 2012
I don't know why I miss you
I just know that I shouldn't waste my time
See, the memories were great
But the pain, is way worse
I need to remind myself this very thing, but today
Its not working out
Most days I think I dodged a bullet when thinking about us
Today I'd take that bullet right to the heart
Bleeding my pain till you saw your mistakes
I'm a forgiving person but I'll never forget this pain

At first I had my walls
And that was an issue
So you broke them down
I gave you my heart
And we found happiness
At least you made me believe you had

My guard was down and thats when you struck me
Without even the decency to wait till I saw your face
You coward
Some time passed so I started moving on
I thought I had but thats only what I told myself
So now I'm a hollow man looking for the fulfillment I thought I found this summer
Sleeping around
Smoking more
Eating less
but getting by nonetheless
So I guess this is what it was like before I met you
I'm the same man
With half the heart
But twice the experience

Today I won't try to call you like I wish I could
I tried that once
And well
So I'll go on with my day
Missing those passionate beach night memories
With that creeping thought
That it never meant a thing at all to you

My only wish is that it did
and that you weren't so ******* immature
And I won't forget
Your true colors have shown
And they're not even that bright at all
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
We fell so quick
Cruz Ramos Oct 2012
We fell so quick
This summer came and went
and so did you
It started out like a movie
but ended like it always does
Beach nights, phone calls, laughing till the early morning
Good morning babe
How’s work babe?
Goodnight babe
We had it all but you gave it up so quick
It makes me second guess it all but I wouldn’t give it back for the world
It was the best summer of my short life
I loved
You showed me that love exists and we all deserve it
A love that made young people jealous
A love that made old people smile
You broke down my walls
Showed me how to feel again

As summer faded and autumn set in something happened inside of you
Your dark passenger crept up
It took you, it burned you, it engulfed you
Your light dimmed by the darkness of what made you
I couldn’t be there all the time and you knew it all along
I was going away to school and we would make it work
And it did work until the darkness consumed you
You let the darkness consume you
Now I choke at the thought of you

I just want you to know that how you gave it up so easy shows me your true colors
A strong woman in my mind but you are nothing more than a faltering girl
The words you said to me playing on a broken record.
We are the right people but it’s the wrong time
Well let me tell you
Time stops for no man
Nothing will change in time
Its what you do during the time
Time apart from me
I hope you know what you’re missing now
How could I ever love you again?
I can’t ever love you again
Because I still love you

When winter comes
I’ll be home again
We’ll see each other
The future is an unwritten chapter that leaves me hopeful
But how can I do this to myself?
Until then
You’ll be licking your wounds without me by your side
Consumed by the darkness
alone in an empty room
I hope you’re left with the bitter taste of regret
wishing you had done things different
Oct 2010 · 746
Autumn in Delaware
Cruz Ramos Oct 2010
If only you just let me in
I know you'd feel the light
If only you just opened up
I know we would stay in this place
Together empowered by a common need
The driving force that binds us all together
What we need is here for the taking
So take it
Take mine and I'll take yours
We can share it like a blanket on a fall day
Under our blanket, without a care in the world
Because all we need is right here
Under our blanket
So take it
Let me in
Open up
Let me show you what I have to offer
Which is the very best of me

— The End —