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It's time to let you be free
It's time for me to finally let you go
You are no longer trapped with me
You can do whatever you want

You don't need me anymore
You can find someone else
Someone who will stay
Someone better

Run along
Have fun
Be whatever you want
Be whoever you want

Go play the games that I could never enjoy with you.
Go to the beautiful fields that I could never take you.
Go sing the songs that I could never serenade you with.
Go read the books that I could never give you

Go tell your secrets that I could never keep
Go run away to the places I could never go with you.
Go make the memories that I could never be included in
Go fall in love with the man I could never be

Make the loneliness of your absence
If I was a pen*
My point will be the world,
Then my ink will be hope,
And the paper is humanity.
So every time I touch humanity,
I give off hope through the world
Releasing it for human kind,
The world being a bridge for change,
Becoming a useful pen for living things.
With every mark humanity will be determined
With every touch the world becomes better.
And even though I’ll make a mess
And even though I’ll spill my ink
I can say I scattered hope
I can say I tried to change the world for the better
And that this mess, made hope sprung to everyone.
And as a ‘normal’ pen
I will write countless words until everything is gone
And You may say hope is gone,
But the hope I had inside is given to humanity
Filling the hearts and minds.
And this hope will form more pens
And this hope will inspire
And this hope will be a better being
And this hope will be our world.
But I’m not a pen
And I don’t need  to be a pen to give hope
And I don’t need a pen to change the world.
I’m going to be a human being
A human that will spark change
A human that will give hope
A human who will rise after the storm
A human who will see the sun, the rainbow after the rain.
I am a human
My mind will be the world,
Then actions will be hope,
And my heart will be humanity.
So every time I’ll do something
I’ll think about the world
And I’ll feel what everybody needs
And I’ll know what to do
I am a human and I’ll give hope

Happy Holidays! Somehow this poem came to me and forced my hands to write because I watched a documentary about Typhoon Haiyan and how it affected my fellow Filipinos... I should have written a poem from the start but yeah... I hope everyone will help. I made this poem for all the survivors... Give Hope.
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