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Sep 2011 · 499
No One
Cristine Marley Sep 2011
I’m no one to the world,
No one knows me,
No one tries to.
I’m a no one to you,
just one more like everyone.
I’m no one to me,
no hope of being someone,
I’m just no one.
Sep 2011 · 666
Picture In a Frame
Cristine Marley Sep 2011
Vanishing into the background,
hardly noticed.
Slumping on your nightstand,
awaiting recognition.
A double take.
A thought.
A smile, or a tear.
I want you to remember
I used to be more than just a picture in a frame.
Sep 2011 · 603
Screw you.
Cristine Marley Sep 2011
The only wrong I did was right for me.
Why should I be captive when I could be free?
I’m not going to get caught up in your games,
go ahead and act tough, throw your punches and call me names.

The things you said can’t be forgiven.
I’m not going to sit here and take this beating.
I've got a good head on these shoulders
and I’m not letting you weigh me down with these boulders.

I’m flying away, I’m not looking back.
My life isn’t something for you to hijack.
No matter how hard you try,
I’m in control and this is goodbye.
Sep 2011 · 390
Friend No More
Cristine Marley Sep 2011
You can’t erase the memories we’ve made,
you can’t rewind the time we’ve grown together.

Now why do you want to put back the tears you’ve wiped from my eyes?
Why do you want to sever the stitches you repaired my heart with?

You can’t deny the secrets we exposed only to each other,
you can’t tell me that now you don’t care.

Why are you pushing me down after lifting up my spirits?
Why am I suddenly guarded when you were the one person who knocked my walls down?

We can’t say we had it all together, but at least we could say we had each other.
But now, what are we supposed to say?
Mar 2011 · 483
Hit Man
Cristine Marley Mar 2011
Thank you for changing me,
Everyday I’m with you I get closer to who I want to be.
You’re my life jacket in a sea of bad decisions,
You’re holding my hand tightly through this transition.

You revise my tears into a smile,
no one has been able to do that in a while.
You transform my pain into power;
You’re making me bloom, just like a spring flower.

My insecurities have died out,
Finally, a storm of acceptance comes after years of drought.
I need you like a heart needs a beat
to stand up on my own two feet.

Even when I shut down and push you away,
you still, always stay.
You tear down the walls I’ve created.
Thank you for killing the person I hated.
Mar 2011 · 548
Cristine Marley Mar 2011
Flowing like a river,
Dancing as if they were in a ballet,
Twisting like the winds in a hurricane,
You never know what they’ll do.

They have order and they have rules,
But no boundaries cage them in.
Free to do anything, even break the expectations;
Beware, although they make you grin and dance,
They’ll come back and break you down
Until you want to drown them out.

They’re the weapons used to destroy a heart,
But they’ll heal the lesions in a soul.
They’ll give you hope and inspiration,
Knowledge, power, and even wisdom.
They’re cruel and tender,
Deceitful and passionate.
They’re loud and eager,
Rambunctious, Silent, and shy.
They’ll express and define,
Inspire, create, and devour.

They will even tell when they aren’t being spoken.
They are in every single person, place, or thing.
They are in every color, texture, and action.
Even if you try, you can’t escape,
For they are in your thoughts and dreams, too.
You’ll eat them every day,
Stumble and trip on them and spill them on the ground.
They’ll pour out of your eyes and you’ll regurgitate them, too.

Straight to your face, they will lie.
To your feelings, they’ll apologize.
Mar 2011 · 428
First Time
Cristine Marley Mar 2011
Trying to forget you
Is like trying to erase a scar.
Truth is I just won’t get very far.
For the rest of my life
I’ll always be reminded of
The first day I fell in love.
Mar 2011 · 497
If I Were to Die
Cristine Marley Mar 2011
If I were to die today
and I got to watch my life in replay,
Looking back, what would I say?

I wouldn’t be very proud,
I kept too many secrets,
That to someone, I should’ve avowed.

I’d wish I took more time to pray,
And I’d regret letting my life decay,
If I were to die today.

I’d see that I should’ve loved more.
I should’ve loved everyone, even myself.
I’d realize my heart was something I shouldn’t have ignored.

I would be ashamed of every action I did to betray.
If I were to die today
And watched the story of my life, I’d want to look away.

I’d regret letting my fears get the best of me;
I’d be sorry I wasted all that time;
I’d realize there were better ways to use my energy.

If I were to die today,
So would all my words that I’ve always wanted to say.
I’d be sad that I held back, and let my words be delayed.

I’d say I was a fool
To ever let a lie leave my lips.
I should have never been that cruel.

I pushed the person I was away
I’d see that I was the predator and the prey,
If I were to die today.

I’d finally see all dimensions of my beauty;
I’d hate that I ever hated myself
And I’d realize I never fulfilled my duty.

If I were to die today,
And watched my life in replay,
There is so much I would say.

— The End —