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Feb 2015 · 446
crazytilde Feb 2015
There's red in the sky
I wonder who died tonight
Feeling so free as they rise
Today I fly high but not to the sky
Today I live
Unlike the person who caused that red upon the blue
I wonder who died tonight
Was the sadness in me
I wonder who died tonight
I hope they left feeling free
I hope you like
Jan 2015 · 328
crazytilde Jan 2015
Your head still held high
Though tears run down your face
Red bloodshot eyes beg to look down
But you raise your head
Convince them you are strong
Your vision never strays from your destination
Their words bring you down
The insults and abuse
Who new you'd just walk on by
I sertently didn't
And now I'm walking down the hall
Tears spilling down my face
My head bowed low
Horrer in my eyes as I hear their voices
I think no wonder you didn't make it
Dec 2014 · 284
crazytilde Dec 2014
You replaced me before I left
I see you together, your perfect
Laughing to the same tune
No was blind to it all until now
Together you are amazing
Apart you are my friends
Your perfect for each other
Perfect Best Friends
Dec 2014 · 334
crazytilde Dec 2014
Sweet, ******, nutty, kind
Anja, Rose, Molly and Liana
In my heart forever
A sweet friendship
And an amazing one
Tears fall for you all
I'm going to miss your smiles
Your different and strang laughs
And the fun times that will stay with me forever
I wish to say goodbye in person not in a card
So goodbye it is
Goodbye friends
Dec 2014 · 355
Pull through
crazytilde Dec 2014
Sure I've been there
In that pit of blackness
And I'll go there again
Because at such a young age I fell
Drowning in my feelings
But we can all pullq through
Fight till the end
So we can say to our selfs
That we pull through
And get that felling of happieness
I hope you can all pull through
Dec 2014 · 278
crazytilde Dec 2014
Born from nature
We rise from the dirt
Awake and ready
Alert and strong
Standing to fight
Prepared for battle
Dec 2014 · 355
All the same
crazytilde Dec 2014
Losing a friend
Losing a smile
Losing a laugh
Losing a sister
Losing a fighter
Losing a Bff
Losing you
Dec 2014 · 286
crazytilde Dec 2014
A bold voice
A shrill scream
A pained smile
A frightened child
A lost world
A forgotten sentence
Dec 2014 · 201
crazytilde Dec 2014
5 days and 1 night
Happiness ends in time
Sadly I know when
In 5 days we part
Say goodbye
Get our hearts broken
By a force we created
It's called friendship
It's stronger than metal
Yet weaker than a petal
And I love it
Live my life because of it
So thanks to all the friends
You make living worth it :)
Dec 2014 · 304
10 Days
crazytilde Dec 2014
10 days of happieness left
10 days until your all gone
10 days until I cry a river of tears
10 days until my world falls apart
10 days until my last smile
10 days to live life to the full
10 days of happieness left
Dec 2014 · 305
Hard Goodbyes
crazytilde Dec 2014
I did expect it to be so hard
Saying goodbye
It's heart breaking to see you float away
I wish we could stay together
But we're drifting apart as it is
You seeking happieness
Me seeking hope
Your going with the flow
I'm swimming upstream
Tears are my only truth
Words are yours
Yet you never speak them
My tears always make an appearance
Do we know each other I wonder
I hope we do because we don't have anymore time to learn
Dec 2014 · 282
crazytilde Dec 2014
Stormy days
And lightening
And rain
Winter is here
Storm brings pain
Snow and sleet
A storm is when
The wind and rain fight
Then it's gone again
Fades into the night
This is not a very good poem :)
Dec 2014 · 248
crazytilde Dec 2014
It's so dark in here
So cold and lifeless
It's not fair
Why is my heart made of stone
I wish it was loving
Not a lump of rock
Not a bomb ready to go of
Why me, I wish I was caring
I wish I was loveable
Everything I'm not
Dec 2014 · 243
crazytilde Dec 2014
It's so dark in here
So cold and lifeless
It's not fair
Why is my heart made of stone
I wish it was loving
Not a lump of rock
Not a bomb ready to go of
Why m I wish I was caring
I wish I was loveable
Everything I'm not
Dec 2014 · 408
The Sun
crazytilde Dec 2014
Light from the yellow ball in the sky
Leaves you golden brown
Or bright red
It's beautiful, the sun
Yet the power it holds
It's frightning
It could hurt you
It could give you that golden glow
The sun is a lot like me
Unpredictable and dangerous
It burns some, yet leaves others unharmed
It's the ones standing to close to me
The ones who don't cover them selfs
That get the full power of my rays
Nov 2014 · 439
crazytilde Nov 2014
Like the honey from bees
Like the syrup from Maypole trees
You are sweet and sticky
Like the stalk of a flower
Like a crumbling castles tower
You stand tall yet wilt
Like the green of a leaf
Like the white of teeth
It would look weird with out you
Nov 2014 · 282
crazytilde Nov 2014
Sickly sweet
The friendship we have
It's  like eating to much candy
and feeling sick
That's our friendship
That's how all yours will turn out
And all mine will do the same
Because that's who we are
And that's how we roll
Being friends with you
Was my favourite mistake
And my most painful one
But for that I thank you
You made me a stronger person
And I will always care about you
You will also be my hardest goodbye
And my most painful one
Nov 2014 · 651
crazytilde Nov 2014
Curly bomb shell
Blond sassy girl
Smiling eyes
A friend
A darling
Kind and huggable
Like a soft teddy bear
Nov 2014 · 345
With you
crazytilde Nov 2014
Thunder, wind, rain
All the affects of friendship
Rain being tears
Thunder being loud voices
Wind being hurtful words
The storm that comes with blue sky
All worth it though
All the tears are worth it
All the hurt voices are worth it
All the Brocken hearts are worth it
There all worth it for one happy day with you
Nov 2014 · 256
Life is like a drug
crazytilde Nov 2014
Life is like a drug
Your high when your on it
And down when your not
Lows and highs
Feels like your flying
Feels like your drowning
Feels like you don't know
Wake up thinking high or low?
Up or down?
How is my mood today?
How will my day be?
What can I do to feel happy?
Will I smile will I frown?
All questions we can't aswer until the day is over
Nov 2014 · 1.9k
crazytilde Nov 2014
Fighting brings us all down
Makes us all feel at fault
And so we should
Playing the blame game?
Just except it's your problem too
It takes two people to have a fight
So two must be a fault if not more
Not referring to anything
Nov 2014 · 283
What's on the other side?
crazytilde Nov 2014
In a life we will live
In this world we will laugh
But also yell and cry
On this planet we a traped
If we wish to get out we must die
But many are afraid of what's on the other side for them
What if they are gone for ever
What if after life is a lie
Nov 2014 · 238
crazytilde Nov 2014
It's hard to see
But I saw it
The smile
The smirk
As I cry
Nov 2014 · 240
crazytilde Nov 2014
The rain sparkles on the mountains
Just like the tears sliding down my face
The Earth is spinning round and round
Just like my confused mind
Nov 2014 · 457
Charcoal Smile
crazytilde Nov 2014
I'm a mear ghost
A wisper on the wind
I'm a dieing flame
A pile of ashes
I can't play this game
It's burning up my insides
Charcoal smile
Nov 2014 · 269
crazytilde Nov 2014
Dead heart
Yet fiery eyes
Can you find me
Do you even understand
I try to open up
Yet my fear is of people finding out
I need to push past this barrier
Tell them how I fell but I cant
So I use my writing to get it out in the open
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Black Hole
crazytilde Nov 2014
I'm a black hole
******* in people who get to close
Hurting them because I can't help it
I'm dieing just like the star that created me
I'm a black hole
Nov 2014 · 2.1k
Turn back
crazytilde Nov 2014
I wish we could wind back time
Forget the lies and tears
Relive the fun and laughter
But we can't, we can't turn back time
But we can live today as its one of our last
Nov 2014 · 273
crazytilde Nov 2014
It's not far
Your lies
Do you care
Look into my eyes
Tell me the truth
Don't lie to me
Is this you I see
Do I now you
I think I do
It's not fair
You lie
Nov 2014 · 375
22 days
crazytilde Nov 2014
22 days until I'm out the door
Leaveing forever
Not coming back
I'm leaving my life behind
I will have to recreate myself
I fit in here but now in leaving
So terrified that I'll be a misfit
I just hope I fit in
Get excepted for being me
Saying goodbye is looming
And my nerves heat booms
My pulse thumping in my head
I don't want to say goodbye
But I have to
So I'll just make my last 22 days count
Nov 2014 · 219
Tell me
crazytilde Nov 2014
Tell me your feelings let me in
I'm knocking on your door
I'm here for you always
Tell me if your ok
I'm here for you stubbornly waiting
You know I'll keep asking until you say
So just tell me straight out in the first place
I know soon we will be divided
Painfully ripped apart
That's my fault, I'm sorry
But why should I be
It's not like were best friends
Or are we?
Nov 2014 · 254
I feel
crazytilde Nov 2014
I feel useless, unimportant, not wanted
I feel pain, anger, sorrow
I fell weak, stupid, mental
I feel tears rolling down my cheeks
I feel anger boiling in my chest
I feel so sad, unhappy, depressed
I feel hate towards you, but also love
I'm  confused, unsure which turn to take
Nov 2014 · 240
crazytilde Nov 2014
The wind in the trees
Leaves rustling in the breeze
Water rushing down the river
So cold it makes you shiver
Nature is so beautiful
So fresh, so new
The sun is shining
Just like you
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
crazytilde Nov 2014
Talk to me
I'm losing you
Help me
I don't want to
I watch you smile
While I frown
I watch you laugh
While I drown
Nov 2014 · 377
crazytilde Nov 2014
The light went out
I can't see in the dark
For help I shout
No one comes
I begin to doubt
Nov 2014 · 280
crazytilde Nov 2014
In the Autum
Leaves fall
In winter
Snow falls
In summer
Waves chrash
In spring
Flowers bloom
In the end
We all fall
Just like leaves
Like paper
Crumpled and broken
Nov 2014 · 239
I will miss
crazytilde Nov 2014
I will miss this place
All it cracks and dents
I will miss the peace
I will miss the freedom
I will miss my friends
But most of all
I will miss you
Nov 2014 · 230
I wish
crazytilde Nov 2014
I'm running so fast
I can't see the landscape
What if I'm in the wrong place
What if I **** a wrong turn
I wish to go back to the past

At the start I was sure I new the way
But now Im worried I messed up
Stepped onto the wrong road
I wish I could just stay
Nov 2014 · 207
I love you
crazytilde Nov 2014
Its not like I chose this
It's not like I woke up one day
Saying I'm going to leave
I'm not even sure if this is right
I'm not sure if I can smile again
I think I will but I'm still unsure
I love you more than the world
I love you
Nov 2014 · 171
crazytilde Nov 2014
If you smile
It doesn't mean your happy
If you laugh
It doesn't mean you find it funny
If you say it's fine it means is not
If cry it doesn't mean your sad
If you leave someone
It doesn't mean you dont love them
It means is so hard you have to do it slowly, push them away, so when the time comes to say goodbye it's not as hard
It's human nature and we can't help it
I just want to say I love you all
For the best friends in the world
Nov 2014 · 283
crazytilde Nov 2014
Stars are bright
There my light
They guide me through
The darkened night

Soon my stars will fade
I will have to find a light
To replace them
To guide me through
The soon pitch black night
For my Friends
Nov 2014 · 421
My buds
crazytilde Nov 2014
What if I made the wrong choice
What if I can't live will out them
The people who know me
My friends, I'll never have better ones
They hold me together, keep me sane
Nov 2014 · 258
crazytilde Nov 2014
I put on a brave face
Covering my feelings
You'd never know would you
Never figer it out
For that resson I'm afraid
I'm worried for my future
Nov 2014 · 158
crazytilde Nov 2014
I'm crying because I know
I know I'm gone, lost
I was always so stronge
But I now fell so weak
So pointless and dumb
The tears that fall from my eyes
There for you, I'm sorry I love you
I'm sorry I'm drowning, sinking
I love you Molly
I'm sorry
Nov 2014 · 3.3k
See you later
crazytilde Nov 2014
Your flying, I'm falling
Where growing apart
My wings aren't ready to fly
So I guess this is goodbye
See you later beautiful
Nov 2014 · 196
crazytilde Nov 2014
Im lost in the happiness of my pairs
Trying to smile, trying to live
Im lost I cant find a way out
Someone through me a rope
Pull me out of this endless pit
Nov 2014 · 204
Why try?
crazytilde Nov 2014
Is life an illusion
Is it a trick of the light
Will we ever know
What if on the other side
We find out, learn
Why must we be kept there
Not sheering knowledge
Watching them pointlessly try
Nov 2014 · 200
crazytilde Nov 2014
Tears are salty, bitter, pointless
I hate the felling they give me
I fell weak, blind, dead
So why do they keep falling from my eyes
Nov 2014 · 232
crazytilde Nov 2014
The wind is a force
As is the sun
The light is gone
Banish all fun
We turned the world
Made it change
It looks so different
Fells so strange
Nov 2014 · 245
Thank you
crazytilde Nov 2014
My life has not been taken by its owner like I thought
I'm glad I'm still here because life has gotten better
My hope has gotten stronger
I will survive, I will stand strong
Although I think the worst is over I doubt that it is, I just hope I have people like you guys to stop me falling into a grave dug by myself
You kept my life, your my motivation to survive, I stand here today because of my friends, family and teachers
Thank you for not burying me
This is not a poem saying I was going to **** myself :)
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