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Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
Lately when it rains-
Your articles on the floor.
The whining pacing dog,
relieves himself, what can't be stomached.
No, I don't think he likes your work.
Copyright 2010
688 · Jun 2010
book worms
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
She sifts through
my words
like a miner
panning for gold,
only finding dirt.
Copyright 2010 (My first attempt at a tanka, be gentle)
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
i would like
to treat you sweetly
but you pull away your cup
almost on cue
your tongue extends
its protests
to sugar
mixed with the caffeine
morning aches
of days to-day.

the world spins
like **** in your coffee
poured deeply in
like rain redirected
by the water drain
and still, daily, you wonder
from whence all this drunken bitterness
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Oct 2010
is infinite,
and that very nothingness
is filled
with countless calculations
leaves fall under the weight of numbers
lights are extinguished by counting
everything is a living ghost of something
just as the sky bears the weight of clouds
so too does life hold me
my forms shift and are vaporous
my body was an ocean
my spirit is the storm
in a moment i crash onto rocks
and in another i return to myself
all at once i am the warmth of a seed
and the cold shaking edge of a tree
but just as silence serves as the cup
to sweeten a sparrows song
so does my exit mark
where i'm from.
Copyright 2010

some ponderings on the holographic principle
640 · Jul 2010
My Dear Abbye Says...
Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
Abbye says i am a finch
because i can swallow thistles
and other things most birds can't.

me and my steel esophagus.

So am i the finch?
or the cat that digests it?
or the dog who eats others excrement?

even if this poem is neither deep, nor strong enough
to answer that
at least my stomach is...
Copyright 2010
635 · Aug 2010
catch for us the foxes
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
It occurs to me now,
set before a table of endless feasts,
that i have always been hungry,
and even as i eat
i cannot be sated.

The restlessness cannot be laid down
on any torn spring mattress;
it cannot be deep fried,
or burnt, in the stomach of a gas oven,
but rather, plucked from the tree,
or gleaned from the wheat:
you, spinning so gracefully, sow
and so lovingly, let fall
to a dog like me.

Finding strength stitched in the hem of your robes;
you, my procession, celebrated:
on a sunday, through the narrow alleys,
you slowly strolled,

tying opposite ends
of a wick, lighting the street lamps, so they too may live,
sweetly humming my beginning,
that i somehow forgot,

as i scurried along,
you, waited
for me to catch up.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
my father says
you spread me thin
he doesn't want to see me
dying over you

but my throat swells
with your name
and my heart throbs
with your beat

you only say
you miss me
the ground you stand on
is not a necessity

the liqueur
is your blood
for now the absence
is your love

i built you
but if that is not enough
please, feel free

to tell me
copyright 2010
625 · Jun 2010
a bus ride into town
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
why must i constantly be humbled?
need i press my forehead to the floor, my lord?
any pride or confidence has been slain before the altar
my lord, what else could i offer?

i have not much, and i am not much more
than a rag doll stuffed with a cotton soul
casually i will be sat at the table and forced
to watch you take your tea with six spoons of sugar

what a tremendous joke, what a divine comedy
to think the gods favor civility and peace
carried like a twig in a doves beak
angels singing through the dissonance of a deaf mans symphony

a dot within a dot within a dot
if there is much more to it, i've already forgot
i am a carbon copy, with atoms bonded sloppily
and i am not worth much, i am but a penny.

why must i constantly be humbled?
do i not already speak softly? every longing had only been whispered
(till now) i have never dared, nor intended, to disturb
a laughing remark for the placidity of my universe

kept hungry and at the door
a beaten pup and i am not much more
i am brushed off of every skirt
and still when every letters been returned

i still place the vowels with the consonants
into these cheap shoddy words
like rusty flowers in a transparent vase
trying to capture beauty in one place

so many lights chased
on the way home from the store
i am constantly humbled
and i am not much more
Copyright 2010
618 · Jul 2010
Insects & Trees
Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
i want to stand like a tree
and reach my limbs out in every direction
i will let any breeze brave enough
shake these branches and flap these leaves
i will let every last drop of precipitation in
because whether you believe it or not i am thirsty
and whether you believe it or not i am searching
every root and every seed is probing
looking for heaven somewhere in this earth
because i know it cant be made of clouds
No, no, its more likely made of dirt
and I will stand still for the lovers cut
as they carve hearts and letters into my bark
because it is through the pain that i find love
indeed its beneath the cuts and under the bruises
where butterflies slowly devour me, inside
oh how i dream of pinning their wings, to a slide
and through careful meticulous interrogation
i will find the reason they fly, flutter, and burn up before
they migrate
to the poplar, to the maple
anywhere far from me
to any other home, any other tree
i suppose they too are searching
circling the globe
these hitchhiker bugs
creep into the skin, hearts, and stomachs
of many
but oh, how i wish
oh, how i dream
that they would
Copyright 2009
615 · Jun 2010
bird song
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
For some time now,
these winter months

have been stuck on repeat:
like warped records, skipping and slurring beats.

Icy needles across my skin:
making me hum, making me sing.

I'm tired of seeing them,
in coffeee shops, and on adjacent streets.

These apparitions, these ghosts, and these souls
behaving like chimneys, billowing out of exhausted throats.

I need these stems, I need these seeds
to awaken, to grow, with purpose through the concrete

reclaiming the land back from Neitsche,
his cruel men, and his frigid industry.

Because for some time now, for far too long,
i have missed the birds and their living song

calling their silence an intermission
tho not visible, not entirely gone.

i will meet them on branches
high up, if and when they return.

Because almost all the time now
i have missed them like angels waiting for G-d.

Burning like leaves, candles in the Sun
pressing pen to paper, and naming each one:

some Bold, some Free,
some Golden, some Harmony.

Because for far too long now
i've interpreted, i've examined the question.

Asking myself, 'why play only one? why play just one?'
stringing notes together in one crisp strum.

And now, this morning, not playing for money,
but playing for warmth.

I am rekindled,
I am up at dawn,

and I am calling out for the Sun.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
we are ascending,
like birds who pray.

losing cabin

when pressed,
against the floor.

dropping oxygen masks,
from the ceiling.

ripping off buttons
from the doors.


my stomach,

from either
gravity or grace,

clouds of blue,
and skies of grey.

falling, falling,
always ******* falling:

though i’m still not sure
what this means to me.
Copyright 2010
609 · Aug 2010
when i am besieged.
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
Come now:
as the night inhales,
and while the guards rest.

Wearing shadows
like loosely fitting robes.
May each footfall press
lightly, like a thousand soft kisses
across a long sleeping body.

Come now,
hold my hand
when the world, for once, is silent:
Al-Khafid, take this city.
Copyright 2010

Al-Khafid- The Abaser. He who brings down, diminishes. (here is a link to the pronunciation )
Craig Reynolds Sep 2010
you were always there
sitting in the study
rainy window pane eye sockets
persistently looking past me

like i was just someone who died
a year ago and came back to visit you
from the grave
a spirit you could save

or shove in the right direction

you were always there
presenting the necklace
like it were strung with pearls of air

like someone didnt pay
6 weeks of pay checks on it
just so some men half a world away could
walk on ocean beds
and crack the skulls
of those chattering heads
of the sea.

for each and
every bead

wrapped around your neck
ms. fleming,
you'd do well

...forget that
and all other things
if i could just
have an inch of your time and gaze
i may not be this wicked
astral projection
your aversions
have yielded to my name

no i might be something else

like a guardian angel
who picks up rusty tacks
and puts out your cigarettes
who pulls up your covers
and presses lips to your cheeks
oh i could be this all
if you would for once look when i called

'susan fleming
if you can be a
pleasant host
i can be
a friendly ghost.'
Copyright 2009

*an ode to the photograph of a girl, who lived almost a hundred years ago*
601 · Jul 2010
Terrorist of the Heart
Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
I think you revel in my fear
I think you bathe in it
Like you were Elizabeth
And it was blood
And by some ******* of logic
It kept you young

I think you want me
Like a fish in a bowl
Swimming circles
In the space you rent to me
I am the tenant of your uncertainty
Forever taxed, and begging for the scraps
You’d leave

I think you smile
When I fall for your snares
With lustful eyes that raises both suspicion
And hairs
As I gnaw my leg, through bone and vanity
To run away, to be free

As you yell from behind,
“you’ll be mine for eternity
I am the entrance and the exit
You will see, oh, you will see”

I think every word you’d speak
Was just to show the point
of your teeth
and tongue
still sharp enough
to puncture my bagpipe lungs

mournfully humming along
“let me be, oh, let me be”
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
and how fares
myself? in between
the ticking tocks?

the clinking,
inched signs of riots
numbered on clocks?


i thought

never ask

i spend most of my moments
building shacks

peeling boards out from trees

same parts,
for a different body

animals and i, all crawling
inside, on all fours

the foxes pace, while i wait
out the storm

from my window frame
a west wind whispered warm

the clouds,
admitted the forms change
but that the vaporous nature of it, stays

between my fingers
combing the tangled apparitions free

begging ghosts and gods
for this hollow solitude

in the distance the cities
dismal lights brood

the night is overlooked
and still refused

the stars left holes in their place
that fill in blue when i wake

a dreaming question,
in sunlight, evaporates,


is this house a home
or simply
an altered state

Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Sep 2010
i would like to stand beside kathryn burke.
only if You
can promise
it wouldn't hurt.

a promise: is a
promise: and You
promised: You would.

i would just be happy
if she would sit beside me
on a park bench
under a sky
as absent, as dark
as the black lace that chased
her skin

and even if You were
really dead and gone,
(or so says Nietzsche,
a fact i still find hard to believe)
even then,
i wouldn't mind.
as long as that rib
was returned to my side.

then i wouldnt be so half-
so inside:

then maybe the mirror
would bare an image to me.

boy, i'd finally be living!

who would of thought
a sorry lot
like me
would be
a **** worth giving?

none of the Lords
that are still

but a promise: is a
and she always


like those pretty eyes of hers
i couldn't keep

in pockets full of posies

kathryn burke?

does it hurt?

to stand, to sit, to lay
beside me?
Copyright 2009

*an ode to a photograph of a girl, who lived almost a hundred years ago.*
589 · Aug 2010
Haiku #1
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
Eternal wheels spin-
connected by wooden spokes.
The center remains still.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Sep 2010
i think i
would like
to fall

into love again,
like a deep dark well


the days light slipped out--
gravity calls
it in other directions.

i do not miss it,
but sometimes i do
get reminiscent.

passing stones, gray--
far past illumination.
and for moments, forever:
i feel such
a heavy weightlessness.

my mouth agape,
but fear isn't a voice here.
i yearn for impact;
i howl for it.

when i am aging
at this velocity,
every futures growing
more and more

and so
i break fingers
on every lonely stone,

and i bruise, like sunlight
thrown on
smashed human bones.

i drip,
like rain that longs
to be a lake again.

but for now,
i'm reflecting on
burning holes
in the reservoirs,

i think i
would like
to land
into a heart again,

like a rock dropped
to see where
a deep dark well ends.
Copyright 2010

'the person you love is 72.8% water'
587 · Jun 2010
Goodbye, Earth
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
Goodbye, Earth:

I have felt every grain of soil
That was meant for Me,

My feet are coarse
From persisting friction.

I love you,
But I need Space

I need to cling to other Sovereign Suns,
To slip into dark pits of singularity,

Where I am one again
with You who are Many.

And every ring
orbits in place,

and every circle
will be retraced,

to where Lagrangian Points,
suspended and sustained,

watching a year spin down the toilet
of our shallow galaxy.

Oh yes, my friend,
We are the Stain.

And the Universe
is flushing us out.
Copyright 2010
574 · Jul 2010
Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
"Because you have done this,
cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures;
upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat
all the days of your life.
I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers;
he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel."* Genesis 3:14-15

oh my dear eve
to be young and stupid with you
to be stillborn naked into a cold world
mouth full of rotten fruit
the taste of broken promises and half-truths
what I wouldn’t give to sleep naive
next to you and under a tree
to see God and myself hidden shyly behind fig leafs
to name animals and constellations
to experience lust and love
all at once
and without a whimper, concede to those foolish temptations
but you speak softly to brother snake
and every morning before I wake up
you slither away
it must be that fiend, that belly-down devil
who took you from me
oh, if only i or God were so convincing
but politely wincing,
a gentleman retreating
i press knowledge to my lips
and follow you, head down
out of heaven
And into a neverending
Copyright 2009
563 · Jun 2010
hardly, gentlemen
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
there was the three of us
me, pauley, and pete

could always see us
smoking cigs
down the street

we were
the baker street boys
we had hearts
of engines, and smelled of factories

i didnt eat
much that winter

and neither did my boys

every breath we breathed
was a cloudy gray
even in the summers
haze, we were mean
cause we had to be,
never knew
better days

still lighting up
mama's face

so if
have a question
if you have a point, i suggest you get to it.

because life is short like
me and my boys

and i
aint got time
to be
wasting it
on this
learning about
the classics,
past, and poetry

it's 4:30 am,
time to deliver.
Copyright 2010
558 · Jul 2010
from a seed of little faith
Craig Reynolds Jul 2010
my body
was buried beneath sand
grain by grain
i carried the weight of the earth

i heard the ocean
my tongue became the desert
too dry to call out to you

i was
claustrophobic and hesitant
unruly in my sediments,
stubborn, like the rooted ****

i was
quite the public nuisance
but still you loved me
pulled me up,
and dressed me in a kings garb

now i make the
roses weep
and all the lilies lament
their endless jealousies

just as you promised.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
Freedom is
a fly caught by the fish
that sits
on the tongue,
to ponder thoughts
to dark for digestion.

as the silvery mouth opens up
and in that single moment
i think
the fly is

A hundred eyes
unveil the cloudy parched sky
that reflects off the surface

and reveals only the illusion of space
trapped in a ripple
like the image of a face
looking down upon the wavering nights
thinking about the freedom
found in the mouth
of a fish.
Copyright 2010
531 · Aug 2010
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
Insects mimic man,
swarming the street lamps warm glow.
Only G-d knows why.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
sheep do not exit gracefully
no, the shepard
no, the dogs
must bring them in
yes, the crook
yes, the growl
must turn their necks
toward pastures
toward homes
much greener than
the barren deserts
they have wandered in.
Copyright 2010
503 · Jun 2010
no pressure, kid.
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
Christine says she's proud
eyes wet like clouded burnt suns
she says i'm a man
now, who can love all freely--
i hope i dont let her down.
Copyright 2010
500 · Aug 2010
the ratking
Craig Reynolds Aug 2010
We found our way in-
to gutters, in search of food.
Their scraps are our meals.
Copyright 2010
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
I wanted to write you a poem,
but there were no words for: "You."

And even if i could pen a thousand down,
it still be inaccurate,

Like studying the beauty of the butterflies in my stomach
after they’ve been pinned to slides.

You are something Mystical, something Fluttering,
something Alive.

Perpetual Explosions:
more golden than the sunlight,

and there are no words for: "You."
Copyright 2010
422 · Jun 2010
(i was) LostSinceDawn.
Craig Reynolds Jun 2010
Where the soul stirs,
   in a maelstrom of fear:
       Spinning me down into
             a mote of dust.

‘Oh why am I


Where the sky sinks
   and the sun drips, crystalline
      finally exposed

                  for what it really is

The great golden insignificance,
         calculated, and still


Is lost on

         over the edge of a thousand cliffs
         just for the sake of consuming
the summer is frozen
         and even more brittle.

‘oh where are we going?’

under such tremendous weight
              the chest still rises
      but falls further

the distance, my only recollection
      of hugging the coast
                   in desperation

     the sea, turns and flees
     my burning witch inquisition

looking up,
        chasing pinpricks.

the Night's veil, glittered with dead light

*'and there is no

Copyright 2010

— The End —