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 Mar 2013 anna
 Mar 2013 anna
fed to us through straws
we are starving lions
bitter has never been more sweet
strawberries, like strawberries
fresh off the vine
but not quite ripe enough-
too young
they said we were too young
**** them, **** it all!
to be free
ignore them
no more than gnats-

we aren't rebels-
just crazy stupid
but honest, and right
that's our excuse

let's go get ourselves killed
pick up your pen, fight
hell yes, to the death
what can we live for
if the world is a prison?
break the chains, we can run
like thieves, by night and moon
with candles-


I was feeling rather like a teenager, which is quite unusual for me. So I coughed this up at about midnight. Enjoy!
 Mar 2013 anna
No one cares I am not okay today this is not okay I look at what I love I want to destroy something rip it to pieces and never let anyone know and maybe then I shall be happy I shall be at peace because I’ll know that the snobbish will have been destroyed not death but life I will grant her Life the worst disease a disease incurable the only disease we will never be able to cure no matter how far science comes and that’s why science is ******* because it will never cure what kills the most
and no death is not a cure for life because they say life keeps going afterwards and I believe that I think I do I think I am I am I am true to myself that’s why I protect my faith will God grant me heaven or is there more on Earth and nothing can ever be perfect since if I die in an awful way how will I know how I died in heaven if heaven is a place with no pain and if I can’t remember my death how will I be able to remember my family and my love how I loved her I did I loved her very much but I am afraid of her now because she cries at night and hates me because I loved her even though she desired love and that’s what I gave unto her I blessed her with love but she hates me and everyone hates me and I take walks to know I am okay and that’s is why I must get rid of beauty not her beauty but of her life’s beauty and she is her life not herself but Her her she is what made her not love me me but her and how crazy I drive and I take walks when where who what why why could she just not love me there is nothing wrong with me I will stomp I will roar calm me mother calm me sing me a lullaby
the fan screams as the clock strikes five she screams she screams she screams hateandlove
I love her with the passion of one million suns
From my "work in progress" novel/novella. Tom lets out his anger by talking to himself at night.
 Mar 2013 anna
 Mar 2013 anna
Speeding home on a hot summer evening,
You can see the storms brewing
On the horizon, far off over the
Still farms.  What a waste of space.

The road is the barrel of a gun,
We the bullet, rushing through it,
To get to the light we see at the end,
So fast you can hardly tell the difference
Between the corn rows and the trees.

As the sun crawls down below the
SLOW DOWN.  We don’t.  Crumbling wooden
Buildings, peeling paint.  A few stragglers
Still working listlessly in this tiny town.

We whip into the driveway, you
Hop out before we can stop,
And you sprint off at a thunderclap.
 Mar 2013 anna
Megan S
I don't want to be a part of your world.
Full of poseurs and flirts.
Relationships mean nothing. Thrown away at the slightest inconvenience.

Full of drama and backstabbing. It doesn't matter in the end.

And honestly I feel sorry for you. I don't envy the day you wake up to the real world.
Enjoy your life while you can. When you finally realize, please don't waste time on regret.
Move on and make the best out of this mess you call life.
 Mar 2013 anna
Kimani Jones
Soulquarians, gather round.
Hear my testimony. Representin’
Chi town to the fullest. Given the
Name Lonnie Rashid Lynn,
I earned the name Common.

I am, put on this stage for a purpose.
My verses give you, common sense.

I am, the role model to the past,
Present and, future. Being the
Loquacious man I am, I am,
Finding forever in you. So, keep me
In your mind because my time, is

Unforgettable I am. I speak with clarity.
Satisfying your starving eyes as I,
Feed you knowledge. I am,
That reflecting image in that young
Persons mirror. Watching them loose

And it’s sad cause’, we got arms,
But wont reach for the skies.
Our ignorance is in the same breath as
Our innocence, subconsciously, seeking to
Find an impressionable mind to convince.

I found one. Mani. One who is beautiful
And sweet. She told me, your lyrics inspire
Me. You are the rarest piece of finery,
And I would hate to lose you. She said,
Find forever in me. Lay upon me,
Your exquisite gift of poetry.

She said, I remember sittin’ in my room
With my boom box bangin’ so loud,
That your rythmatic vibrations caused
The pictures on my wall to form a
New image.

Listening to the game over, and over,
And over until my ears were filled
With beats that flowed from my pen,
And onto my sheet, of paper.

Papers, stacked so high with the words,
I love Common. Common. Nonsense,
Is what we’re seeing these days. So,
If you find the pursuit of passion,
Use it.

I am, here to restore our black maybe.
Cause’ maybe, we’ll get to the top
Someday. Instead of having our opinions
Stored away. Cause’ you see, common
Sense is quite rare. But, those that doubt
Com will soon believe. That-

This is where, Forever begins.
The start of reality. Wars and battles, we
Fought for ours, caught in ghetto tragedy.

Remember black brothers and sisters,
Origin is forever. Through these brown eyes
Are beholding black pride. So strive. Strive.
I, see my worlds tears, and I, want to wipe,
their weary eyes. I will be finding
Forever in you. I am Common.
Copyright © Kimani Jones 3/11/2010
 Mar 2013 anna
Amy Ems
wishes cost

stumble fall
vows are broken
blank white walls
silence spoken

can't deny
shapeless shadows
asking why
nobody knows

feeling cold
snap the framework
now i'm bold
dangers still lurk

empty stares
shout to smile
no one cares
turn the dial

switch the light
crash without me
stretch to height

don't look back
filled with dread
aching heart but
rest's ahead

lost in time
thoughts explode
drifts in rhyme
what we sowed

the only option
present freeze
healing motion

wipe away
view the sunset
edges fray
rid the regret

fear exposed
not mistaken
my hopes rose
dreaming, taken
 Mar 2013 anna
Katie Hogan
Insignificant flash
Across the midnight sky
Nobody sees you
In the diverse sea of light

Welcome to your life
Live or die, nothing changes

Try to burn brightest
And see how that works
For only one can be the best
And second gets nothing

Try to change the sky
The entire idea of a star
But can that ever change
Since it hasn’t been done?

Millions of stars
Thousands of lights
Why should your flash
Mean much at all?
 Mar 2013 anna
Now do our eyes behold
The tidings which were told:
Twin fallen kings, twin perished hopes to mourn,
The slayer, the slain,
The entangled doom forlorn
And ruinous end of twain.
Say, is not sorrow, is not sorrow's sum
On home and hearthstone come?
Oh, waft with sighs the sail from shore,
Oh, smite the *****, cadencing the oar
That rows beyond the rueful stream for aye
To the far strand,
The ship of souls, the dark,
The unreturning bark
Whereon light never falls nor foot of Day,
Even to the bourne of all, to the unbeholden land.
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