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As I laid there, I looked at the wall.
This is the part I hate
I  breathed in and out, as tears rolled down.
This was a mistake
The light hurts my eyes, there's ringing in my ears.
I always end up this way
The floor is a mess of bottles and tears.
*Please forget today
When you wash off the make-up,
Who is there, pretty girl?
Did anyone even notice
Those pretty curls?
Are you upset because you
Tried so hard for nothing?
I mean, were you actually expecting something?
Silly girl, you know not to rely.
Why would you go and get your
Hopes up so high?
Just smoke your cigarette and
Go back to bed.
And next time,
Try to use your head.
We are the ones.
We pass each other in the hall,
and we make eye contact,
and we are unaware,
we never know exactly
what it is that draws us to one another.
How can two people who have never met before,
know each other so well and
make such obvious attempts to
get one another's attention.
How can there be a gravitational pull,
that seems to never let up,
that pulls you in until you're stuck.
But mostly, how can something so strong become so weak,
how can you forget about that pull, and no longer see
what was once so intriguing to you, and no longer recognize
the insanity of knowing someone who you've never met.
How can you go on with your life knowing,
That person could have changed you forever,
and every misfortune you have could have
been avoided by a simple hello.
And because you don't say it,
This is where you are.
Speak up.
She could almost smell the jasmine,
As the wind blew through her veins,
And she wondered in what world,
Does there not exist pain?

Her dress with roses red,
Did a waltz in the breeze,
And as she came to realization,
She crumbled to her knees.

The leaves were like birds,
Soaring through the sky,
With every vibrant color,
She watched them float by.

She inhaled all she could
With tears trailing down her cheeks
And with the weight of the world,
She came back to her feet.
I feel like there are very few people who actually know who I am, and the harsh emotions that I feel. I hide my feelings so well in front of 95% of people, and I feel like there are so many people like that, that just live each day pretending like everything is okay when really they're hurting on the inside. Sometimes you just have to take a minute and break down.
Together forever
Still stays with me
I picture a time, when we were free
Jumping the chat piles, skinning our knees,
We were indians in a ditch,
or in grandpas truck
Lions, on a slide,
Or on an easter egg hunt
It never crossed my mind,
That it would end someday
Without you, we are shaken,
We will never be the same
Somewhere down the road,
Something went wrong,
I can't quite determine,
What we are when you are gone.
You can't be the amigos, with only two,
But know that our hearts, are always with you.
No matter the weather,
Together forever.
We’re all just a part of this nonchalant game,
Plotting revenge, explosives, propane.
Pretending to love and have no shame
All the while, we’re going insane.

Walking in reverse, to the beat of their drum,
Never reaching anywhere, things left undone,
Pouring our hearts out , to those who use,
Becoming so prone, used to abuse.

Hoping for a time, with much more light,
Awaiting in the darkness, on this never-ending night.
With pain on your shoulder,
Rather than a heart on your sleeve,
You look with hesitation,
Can you believe?

but then the forests in his eyes,
They look down into yours,
you lose your sense of fear,
And you're dying for more.

The anxiety escapes you,
And theres only you and him,
Suddenly, a new kind of nerves,
They start to set in.

Don't ruin this moment,
Grasp feelings like this,
You turn off your mind,
And slowly...The Kiss.
I've only really just met this guy, but he makes me feelwonderful. We've both been hurt a lot and I feel like he understands me. Our first kiss was amazing.
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