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1.7k · Sep 2013
Speechless Judgement
Who are you to judge,
does my very existence mean that much
is every breath I take
a very own tragedy for your ******* sake?

Who are you to judge,
everything I do or say
I mean, Society
it just isn't your game to play.

Who are you to judge,
every choice I choose
common' you really think
you have nothing to lose

Who are you to judge,
the very own features of my body
I mean, afterall
doesn't that make me somebody?

People turn their backs
pretending not to care
when really
all they feel is that judgemental stare.

See your not even living
In my eyes
your not even forgiving.

You put people up
and tear them back down
in their own sorrow
people try not to drown

You make lives worse
you hurt everybody
you even make the biggest person
feel like nobody.

You make up stupid rules
and make people reticuled
because being yourself
means being a fool

Oh why do you judge?
the basics of a person
It's not even right
It's wrong and up tight

See you started a war
nobody can shut the judgement door
oh Society can't you see
your effecting everyone,
even me.

Words begin to spread
originality is oh so dead
stereotypes aren't dieing
the **** things are multiplying

You've think you won
and everythings done?
Oh no, see Society I have more to say
just wait,
I'll have MY time and right of day.
We live in a world today where we're judged on everything we do no matter if it's the most smallest thing. Society seperates and judges people based on how they live, act, look, etc. It effects us all some more than others and in my opinion instead of us listening to Society, Society should shut up and listen to what good we people have to say.
821 · Sep 2013
Sensational Season
A cold September morning
where everything is damp
puddles are on the ground
and leaves are dripping wet

The air is nice and crisp
and the water is cooling down
Summers been here and gone
now fall is on the round

Trees are turning colour
days are getting shorter
nights are getting darker
time is cutting slack

It's bright in they morning
the sun is high in the sky
clouds float lower and lower
and it seems to be raining more

Oh Fall I just so love
it's one of my favourite seasons
even the smell in the air
Oh I love it when fall is here
A place that has no boundaries
words that have no sound
everybody wants
that perfect person to be around

But people aren't that perfect
they're anything but that
people are themselves
It's nothing else just that

You see, if we were meant to be perfect
It'd be a pretty boring world
people are unique
It's not up to you to control

It's a place that has no boundaries
It's where words have no sounds
It's where you (your person)
can be the only person around

It may look kinda small
but it's anything but that
It's only what's on the inside
that makes it a big surprise

You have them as well
But only you, have your story to tell
think and think in your head
you control what lives and goes dead

If you don't know by now
I'm not going to lead you on
but it is really that easy
just listen and read on

It's a place that has no boundaries
where words have no sound
It's your chains that anchor,
everything to the open ground

What is it? It's your THOUGHTS.

A place that has no boundaries
where words don't make a sound
It's where you, you the only person
can be open and astound.
604 · Sep 2013
Stop & Listen..
You talk, I listen
oh it makes me so mad
the fact that you preach your *******
it really is quite bad.

Oh boy, just listen
please just listen to yourself
you make such a mess
I just can't handle myself.

You talk, I listen
man my ears are going numb
still hearing all this *******
do you hear yourself? You're so dumb.

Oh god, it's a pitty
you just really don't know
I'd give up everything
just to pack my **** and go.

See sir, your downfall
is that you really just don't know
all the talk outta your mouth
just tell that stuff to go.

Each day it's new
a new adventure to go through
but old man, can't you see
I need you to shut up, so I can be free.

They say older is wiser
but wiser I don't think you are
because if wiser was for you
I'd think "oh what's this world coming to?!"

So please, just stop and listen
just listen to your idiotic self
I'm so tired of your words
It's ruining my mental health.

Stop and shut up
Stop treating me like a child!!!

I'm waiting and waiting
for the right time
for me to know
I really can't wait until I pack my **** and go.

— The End —