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Courtney May 2012
Can you let go of something you never really had?
A person that filled a space,
But never had a heart or any emotions to show for it.
A bond that had a name,
But no meaning behind it at all.
Your absence goes almost unknown,
Because I don’t think you were ever here at all.

You had the ability to make me fall to the ground.
You had the mentality to convince me to turn against the ones I love.
You had the power to change me,
So ultimately you used it,
And expect me to just keep coming back for more.

I’m done holding on to something I never even had,
I’m finished giving in to something as pointless as this.
And I’m giving up on someone that should have never even mattered.

When is the right time to release the people who are bad for you,
To give happiness a chance,
And to over power those negative thoughts.
When is the right time to change?

When is the right time to let go?
Courtney May 2012
Cold liquid streams down my face,
Symmetrical positions which wet my cheeks.
Tears seem to connect to my heart,
And my entire body feels empty.
Emotions come pouring out.
Like a rain shower,
Each drop is useless,
But all together they are powerful.
Thoughts are too much to control,
And a sense of vulnerability is caused.
My heart depends on the one I love:
Even more useful than my own mind.
One intellect is thoughtful,
But two minds are influential.
Your words have more meaning,
And just your presence is enough to help
Your heart is enough to mend
And there is no place else I’d rather be,
Then right here in your arms
Courtney May 2012
Everything basically went the same.
No traumatic event really popped into my life.
Nothing really awakened me either.
It’s as if I’ve been sleeping for so long,
I hardly feel alive anymore.
Nothing happened to make me feel this way,
It just some how happened.
One day everything was simply different.
In a completely complex way.
Surroundings became sheltered,
Ideas were pushed down.
And I closed my mind to the beauty of the world.
It just sort-of happened.
One-day feelings just changed,
And they changed me as well.
Maybe I just couldn’t see anything that I could be content with,
Or maybe everything good really did disappear.
But I was blind.
It’s not that anything truly went wrong,
It’s just that nothing really went right.
Courtney May 2012
It hurts to say goodbye

I reflect on why it hurts so much,
Just to look you in the eyes.
I wonder what happened between us all,
To make us feel this way.
What happened to the people we used to be?
The people we valued so much?
But all the happiness that once was,
Turned into too much agonizing fear.

It didn’t hurt when I stayed up for hours thinking of you.
It didn’t hurt when we would laugh until we cried.
It didn’t hurt to trust you.
It didn’t hurt to consider you a friend.

But it did hurt to say goodbye.
It hurt to walk away.
It hurt to stand alone with nothing but regret.
It hurt to have memories flood back.
It hurt to be surrounded by nothing by darkness.
Because all light disappeared along with you.
It hurt to let go of everything I thought I had,
Maybe that choice is what hurts the most.

You didn’t hurt me,
Saying goodbye did.
Courtney May 2012
I hear it all the time,
People say it like it’s so easily understood.
But a word is just a word,
Until you embrace it,
Until you give it meaning,
Until you actually feel it.
I never knew the word love had any real depth to it.
People throw it around like it’s nothing.
But once you actually feel it,
You know it.
And it’s the best feeling every imaginable.
Love is the way you look into my eyes,
And I don’t dare to glance away.
Love is the way I never want to let go,
Of the hand you’ve trusted me to hold.
Love is the way I feel when I’m with you.
A smile is inevitable,
And I dread the moment that being with you ends.
Love is looking into the future,
And seeing just the same.
You’ve added meaning to the words
I never thought I’d understand.
And you’ve added a feeling to my heart,
I never thought was possible.
Courtney May 2012
A picture shows us smiling,
How happy we once were.
But hatred kept on piling,
Turning pleasure into a blur.

I tried to keep our amity,
I wanted you to stay.
Although when in actuality,
It just slowly started to decay.

Replay it all within my mind,
That’s something I do everyday.
Memories can hurt I find,
I discovered that to my dismay.

But I can’t forget what once was there,
I can’t help but always care.
Courtney May 2012
People say I have no heart;
I don't feel anything.
Mind of steel,
And no emotions,
That’s who I want to be.
But when I'm sitting all alone,
And problems are provoked,
Tears pour down my face
As I wish for a better way to cope.
If only people knew,
What lies behind my mask.
Maybe they would know it all,
And wouldn’t have to ask.
People say I have no heart,
But it definitely is beating.
Its there reminding me of you all the time.
Wishing for you to go.
All alone I sit and stare,
Wishing for better times.
It feels as if I've lost it all,
Especially my mentality.
People say I have no heart,
I don’t feel anything.
Oh, I wish how that were so.
I wouldn’t have to deal with this pain,
And I could be content at last.
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