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 Jan 2013 Camille
Anna Akhmatova
Under her dark veil she wrung her hands.
"Why are you so pale today?"
"Because I made him drink of stinging grief
Until he got drunk on it.
How can I forget? He staggered out,
His mouth twisted in agony.
I ran down not touching the bannister

And caught up with him at the gate.
I cried: 'A joke!
That's all it was. If you leave, I'll die.'
He smiled calmly and grimly
And told me: 'Don't stand here in the wind.' "
I'm bad, I'm a devilishly slimy man,
with wicked and vile intentions,
and a infernal and hellish plan.

Corruptive and pervasive, and all together sick,
unholy and despicable with ugly hellish wit.

A genius in sheep's clothing, a devil in disguise,
my words are sweet as honey but I'm planning your demise.

You'll never see it coming, in your mind I'm your best friend,
like adding sugar to a meal, it'll taste sweeter in the end.

I'll see your face in shock,
that I would have stabbed you so,
I'll grin a evil grin and stare into your soul.

your blood will spit and spurt,
and I'll watch it with such glee,
and all the while you'll know
it was all because of me.

you'll finally breathe your last,
it will fill me with such joy;
to know that you never knew
that you were simply just my toy.
 Dec 2012 Camille
Your bony knees, like shovels,
bury themselves into your tummy.
Your hands clasped before your heart;

You've taken the shape of a praying child,
while you sleep on the couch.

The glow from the television bounces off
the sharp lines of your face.
and black, then fully lit,
and dark again.

The host from this infomercial
explains why my life is incomplete,
in three volume notches higher
than anyone should ever speak;  

It chops, dices, and something or the other,
"Satisfaction guaranteed!"

It is the first week of winter
and my limbs have turned to icicles
to prove the calendar right.
I'd like to slither my way under your blanket,
I'd like to tell you that I love you,
but I should not wake you with such
ordinary words.

I tuck my cold hands and inadequate feelings
into my sweater sleeves
and continue watching just about the ******* TV.
 Dec 2012 Camille
Selena Grace
Visions of sugar plums
Dance in my head
Until you so rudely
get up on stage
as if to say
Oh no nothing pleasant
think of it like this:
New clothes? Cool
but who will you wear them for?
New lip gloss? That's neat
but who will kiss your glossy lips
ever so sweet?
Merry christmas?Is it really?
When you're only an interruption
A corruption of my mind
And not simply a sweetner to my christmas cookies
 Dec 2012 Camille
 Dec 2012 Camille
There's a teardrop on my pillow
A memory in my mind
Fog outside my window
And a cure that's hard to find

There's a pain in my heart
A call I'll never get
A soul slowly falling apart
A voice I can't forget

There's a song that's on repeat
A lonely bed at night
A slow and steady heartbeat
And a prayer for morning light

There's illusion in my past
And fear for whats to come
A love that isn't sure to last
And a body becoming numb

There's a whisper in the air
A silence in my screams
A longing in my stare
And realness to my dreams

There's things I cannot say
A truth to that old letter
I'm still bitter from the today
But I know it will get better
 Dec 2012 Camille
Melody Sokol
She sat by the window, with the rain pelting the foggy glass, breathing hot air into the cold. She took her finger and slowly ran it across the pane, pushing away the gathered dew and then running her fingers up, down, up, down. G O N E sprawled in messy cursive. Her thoughts were as dreary as everything surrounding her. It was as if the rain was complementing her. After all, if it was sunny, depressing thoughts would be banished to the back of her head.

They had all left her, her past lovers. Their words echoed across the wooden floor, false promises stealing pieces of her heart until the outer shell was the only thing that remained. It was beautiful really. Her shell was so delicate, like a bottle tossed into the ocean, broken and grinded against the sand and rocks, until it finally rested on a beach somewhere, all edges smoothed. She was seaglass, a reminder of the past, but beautiful.

the first told her that she was an angel, just one without wings. “But that’s ok” , he said, “sometimes there is no need to fly”. He found a  single mom on concord avenue two weeks later. She got child support. He bought her a ring soon after.

The third she met in the winter, where for months, white was the only variation of color. He liked to push her on her sled, but he laughed with more joy when he pushed her down the stairs. Red was the second color discovered that winter.

The fourth was the last. His love aged like a plum, darker and sweeter each week she was with him. He stroked her knee with his fingers when they sat upright at the doctor’s office, and he stroked her neck with his lips as she cried, laying horizontally on his bed. “Where did you get the scars on your back?”  he would murmur into her skin.

“I fell down the stairs once”,  she would whisper in the direction of his voice, her words floating in the darkness of the bedroom. The tip of his thumb would run down the pale pink scars, but she wouldn’t feel him there, that part of her had become numb long before. He left her two years later, his side of the room empty except for the spare key resting on the mahogany side table. His smell still lingered carelessly on her pillow.

Whenever it rained, she sat at the window, shadows gathering at her feet.
 Dec 2012 Camille
Emma Blaha
You used to consume my every thought,
Now I’m begging you to stay.
To weave yourself into the cortex of my mind,
And allow me to keep a little misery in the pocket of my chest,
Burned images of familiar hands upon my breast.

While the grass grows between my fingers,
Time reminds me we have grown up.
But how I wish to lay there and breathe in our youthful scents,
How I wish the memories were enough.
 Dec 2012 Camille
Wasn't You
 Dec 2012 Camille
You love to tell the story of how you stole me
sweep me off my feet with a single kiss
a single kiss that made me question everything in a heart beat
You ask if I still love him
No, I never really seemed to love him
not after I meet you,
you crept into my dreams
soaked into my skin
lingered in my hair
You asked what made me choose you
he wasn't you, he could never be you
TWO loves had I. Now both are dead,
And both are marked by tombstones white.
The one stands in the churchyard near,
The other hid from mortal sight.

The name on one all men may read,        
And learn who lies beneath the stone;
The other name is written where
No eyes can read it but my own.

On one I plant a living flower,
And cherish it with loving hands;      
I shun the single withered leaf
That tells me where the other stands.

To that white tombstone on the hill
In summer days I often go;
From this white stone that nearer lies
I turn me with unuttered woe.

O God, I pray, if love must die,
And make no more of life a part,
Let witness be where all can see,
And not within a living heart.

— The End —