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Mar 2013 · 3.6k
to my future girlfriend
Cory LEcuyer Mar 2013
sweet lady oh sweet lady
take it easy take it easy
let me know what's in your heart and on your mind
im not trying to waste your time
im trying to hold your hand
im not looking for a one night stand
i wish i could be your man
but if you have other feelings i understand
i knew i should of asked you yesterday
when i was still the glimmer in your eye
that will walk with you hand in hand
no matter the trouble with quick sand
i wont build you up with false hope and dreams
it should be you and i together
Nov 2011 · 846
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
words that i said i would not call her
are screaming in my mind
they creep through the darkness of my throat
as if they are scared to be found
only then to be pushed back into my mind
and do it over again i had no such intention of doing
so when they found the light the words came with the formation of sound
its a soft joyousness whisper but with the guilt of sin
did not think she would enjoy the life thats changed
words that were never able to be thought now melt from the lashings of my tongue
drip drip drip goes the words
Nov 2011 · 766
burnt offering
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
make me your burnt offering
do it slowly so i can feel your love
with my unbroken bones
eat my love
drink my blood
let all that is pleasure be forgotten in pain
when the sun comes up
peel my layers off so your hate can shine
cause i want to show you everythin my insides hold onto
with my last breath as i die looking upon you
i can tell you everything i've been through
Nov 2011 · 464
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
I want her and i to thrive.
So we went to a place.
Where my drean can be alive.
But i awoke to a nightmare.
She moved away from my slightest touch.
And kissed me on the cheek as if to say Goodbye!!!
Nov 2011 · 799
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
i still care for you
i wish i was with you
building you up in every way
its because
i'm not around
that your ascending
into the higher realm
of success
Nov 2011 · 610
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
i want to repay
no longer in the worst way
no longer my way or the highway
not the pain of today
but the joy of yesterday
Nov 2011 · 458
my love
Cory LEcuyer Nov 2011
the only way
that i can love you
the way that you deserve
is if i keep
my love held down
so when your around
my love will soar
and surround

— The End —