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Jul 2010 · 608
"For My Son"
Cory Gahsman Jul 2010
Patiently waiting for the day of your birth,
As a father I hope I can show you my worth.

I look forward to teaching you how to play ball,
I promise to be there if ever you fall.

As you grow I will help you be all that you can,
Without a doubt, I’ll be your biggest fan.

Baseball, basketball and other games we’ll play,
If you need me I’ll be there both night and day.

The joy you will bring me, I can’t wait to feel,
With the struggles of growing I’ll help you to deal.

I know you will be a light in my life,
I’ll be thankful each day for you and my wife.
Written for Chase Thomas Gahsman, 2005
By: Cory J. Gahsman
Jul 2010 · 589
“My World in You”
Cory Gahsman Jul 2010
My little angel, there you lay;
Looking at me with thoughts of play.
I seem to view you in light anew,
It dawns on me…I see my world in you!

The blue of your eyes, deep as they be;
Harkens me back to a tropical sea.
They sparkle and shimmer and look on with love;
They confirm to my senses, you were sent from above!

The tint of your cheeks on each side of your nose;
Looks to me the same hue as a pink blushing rose.
They grow even darker each time that you grin;
I can’t wait for that smile, time and again!

Your laughter, it carries upon the warm breeze;
And it rings out more lovely than fine symphonies.
The noises you make, so dripping with glee;
Spring from your throat with each new thing you see!

Your spirit; uplifting, adventurous, trusting;
Bowls me over completely, more than any wind gusting.
The wondrous way you view the world with delight;
Makes my heart skip a beat, and fly high as a kite!

And so I gaze upon you with my adoring eyes;
Knowing my love has no boundaries in size.
Thank you for making each day bright and new;
And remember forever…I see my world in you!
For my daughter, Delaney Bryn Gahsman
July 2008  By: Cory J. Gahsman

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