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Cory Childs Jun 2011
Why does attention so fondly take hold
when ever new moonflower buds
on lonely land cleared of the last's marigolds
that long masqueraded as love?

Will arum give way to hydrangea?
Will heartsease yield lavender's bite?
I cling to mad dreams of hibiscus
conceived in the moonflower's light.
Cory Childs Dec 2010
The hole spews out disease and rot
devoid of fleshy substance
Engrossed by such a gruesome plot
I gulp the zombie's pretense

What makes the morbid fascination
justifying obfuscation?

Now, I see there is no sense
in coining truth that's hardly grown
One thing I've come to understand:
exploit their fear of the unknown
1.6k · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Derivative Yield
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Born free,
what have you been branded to buy as truth?

You couldn't help but consume the prime conditioning,
angelic thing, they manipulated your blank, slated value with price
Impressionable infant, deficient heuristics anchored in tradition
were all you were given, they represented trend's definition of right

Blind to blinders set by frames,
you will never long for sky you've never seen
While you've been growing, who's been leading?
Who's been sowing, who's been reaping?

Now you are as you're told.
Now you are as you're sold.

You didn't see how your movements were determined: causal reinforcement and cogged belief systems
Hunters exploit the needs of the herd and they traded you meaning for all you were worth
Customerary compliance made you meek and the markets less violent
Your standardized schema had felt so secure, while their fashion pruned passion's significant core

Blind to blinders set by frames,
you cannot be free if you don't see your cage
While you've been growing, who's been sneaking?
Who's been sowing, who has been reaping?

Now you are as you're told.
Now you are as you're sold.

They'll come as salesman, promised happiness in their wares
They'll come as preachers, with taxing cross for you to bear
They'll come for your time, your money
They'll come for your life, and your sunny days
will be grey without that which you never knew you needed
No, you never ever needed

What have you been branded to buy as truth?

You won't choose to see your reflection on the discount shelf,
reduced to pelf, you let them establish the goods so you could be saved
from spending efficient economy, it's ironic that you're their battery
and though their floor is your slaved ceiling, you give your Self away

You won't see your light inside
if you're guided by other selfish minds!
How did you begin?
What have you been?
Who are you now?
Hip-hoppening lyrics from 2009.
1.4k · Feb 2013
Cory Childs Feb 2013
I've been counting cold seconds
Slowing will without her heat,
Growing space between each beat
Hardens heart away from care.
1.2k · Mar 2011
Juvenilia: Joanna
Cory Childs Mar 2011
His Holy Empire

At the heart of sacred grounds, a shaft of ivory rises
and reigns atop a throne of clouds, where veil of white disguises
a wilting rose, a potted plant; did Gaea plan her fate?
Behind the stained-glass window's view, Joanna meekly waits.

Act 1: Poor Joanna

Twirling her hair idly, Joanna looked up out the window and sighed.
"I've wistfully waited so long for you to come home and save me… Save me from wondering and wandering too far alone." She slumped into her seat. Life was so unfair.

Despite her attempts to resist, Joanna soon quietly submitted to gravity's pull on her drooping eyelids. Just as a smile began to waltz across her face, she was violently jolted upwards by a surge of adrenaline. She instinctively buried her disfigured hand into her abdomen as her eyes darted about the unkempt room and over her unfulfilled duties. She suddenly found herself in front of her dresser's mirror and watched as her shaking hands dug through piles of cheap jewelry and stuffed animals, indiscriminately tossing the toys onto the floor. Finally, her hands found what she had been searching for. Her reflection smiled back as she ritually lifted her brush and began to make herself up.

She hated how her face looked without makeup; she had grown to believe it seemed strange if it wasn't shiny and exotically colored. Each layer concealed her blemishes and bruises so well that she sometimes forgot they were there at all. But now, no matter how desperately she painted, the comfort wouldn't come! She loathed what she saw! Joanna winced away from her tear-streaked reflection.

"Why am I so…"

Act 2: Echoes of Solomon

But she couldn't will the words; she didn't even know what it was that she needed to ask. Joanna felt conflicted and unsure as she was barraged by the jostling images that filled her head. She felt so queer when she had offered to shake his hand instead of immediately taking his arm, as was customary when a bride-to-be first meets the man she's been arranged to marry… so ugly when she noticed that every woman at the wedding was wearing makeup except for her… so damnably rude when, after he had ordered the musicians to play a minuet, she had interrupted them a second time to request a waltz… so ashamed when she had danced with such wild, voluptuous abandon… so horrifically guilty when he stumbled, when she made him grab her hand so forcefully that bones snapped as he dragged her out and scolded her for embarrassing him… so naïve to believe that she could think for herself… so overwhelmingly worthless for failing to meet his expectations?

She hated her desire to dance. She hated her desire to eat. She hated that she was miserable, even though she had done everything that they had promised would make her happy. What was she doing wrong?! She cried, "Why? Why am I…" and collapsed. Joanna's walls crumbled as she let herself be swept away by the rivers of repressed sorrow that welled from her heart. Feeling drained and strangely lighter, she found the will to face her reflection.

"I've been so strong since Saint George has been gone. He'd be proud, I'm filled with prayer instead of fruit!" Joanna was caught off guard by her reflection's sudden scowl. "But the days have grown into weeks unknown… I'm feeling frail, what's a damsel to do?" Joanna turned and looked out around the cell as though for the first time. Her probing fingers disturbed the dust-coated bookshelf as she helped herself up and stretched toward the window's ancient, forbidden latch. She threw open the gates of her perception and leaned out to observe the wilderness through wisps of clouds. Her hair flowed freely in the wind and her eyes beamed like the sun.

Act 3: When Adam Delved and Eve Span

Joanna looked up in a familiar way and said, "Tell me: Who governs the trees beyond the courtyard? Ease me; why are the leaves conceived to fall?" Joanna's trembling knees finally buckled as she cried, "Bear me! I can't stand when all I have are unanswered questions. You left me helpless! Won't you please lead me?"

Joanna tried to get back on her feet, but sickly fell to her knees in a fit of coughing. She looked down at a wooden cross that was framed by the purple of her most luxurious pillow and said, "He taught me what happens when little lambs go astray; with no rod to guide them, they'll find themselves prey. I'm too afraid to leave, though no lock bars my way. He bade me love the leash. In lord's courtyard, I'll obey."

Joanna reeled deliriously as she rose to her feet to be bathed in the growing light from the window. She reached out with a bony finger to touch one of the cherubim that were lacing the window with golden embroidery, but her hand passed through as though nothing was there. Joanna didn't seem to mind. She looked up and said, "I've wishfully waited so long for you to come down and save me… Save me from wondering and wandering too far alone."

As she smiled and dreamt of dancing on clouds, Joanna laid down and died.
To hear a rough midi draft of the accompanying music:
1.1k · Dec 2010
Juvenilia: Minimally Waged
Cory Childs Dec 2010
If precious time to freely spend
is all that you could offer me,
with a great deal, I must contend;
I don't feel the fairest harmony.

My mailbox needs fixing.
My muscle is burning.
My value is changing.
I'm tired of hurting.

If precious time to freely spend
is all that you could offer me,
I wonder why I'm so content
to whine of overdue upkeep.

Why must work be so hard?
Why should work be so hard?

Now, without further adieu,
I'll prove from you what I have learned:
I can love what I'd like to!
I'll make every moment beauty earned.

My mailbox needs fixing!
My muscle is burning!
My value is changing,
I'm tired of hurting!
Cory Childs Feb 2010
After all that toil, my journey is through.
I am home, to wander no longer.

My success has born such rich rewards.
Isn't comfort what we all long for?

My skin is satisfied, but my insides itch.
Embers call for me to blaze onward.

I'm growing bored of these restless hands.
I am not content with contentment.
1.0k · Jul 2011
Wistfully Ignorant
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Careful, now, 'lest silence shatter
barricades that hold the heart
and blind to my unchecked desires
prying piece of mind apart
962 · Sep 2011
No. 2
Cory Childs Sep 2011
All potency for pain and pleasure binds,
Confined to freely ebb from causal shell;
Then, urged by current convalescing mind
My heart parts way with what decaying, fell.
What if the sapling's ardor fails to flower,
So choked from light by canopy of old?
From bitter yield, I've winnowed only sorrow;
Love's fruitless growth has left it bare and cold.
Quickening, each pattern passed holds lessen -
With way now cleared, I remain resolute:
Dreaming of trunk's branches' fruitful blossom,
I make the means for chance to sweetly root.
     Though Nature bounding, I still wonder why
     Life, bourne by grief, seems made to die.
Cory Childs May 2011
How could this have come to be, this life, so ever-changing?
these laws that pushed the smallest things to pull the greatest mountains?
and what could cause the chance to think and wonder why we can?
Sophia flowed through mystery where Logos formed a plan.

Act 1:  Epigenesis

First Interlude:
At the heart of sacred grounds, a man claims what is righteous
with ****** standard pointed proud and conduct that disguises
a savage pulse, an ancient thirst; is Cronus set in stone?
Impressing eager, weaker men, Saint George goes on and on.

Act 2:  Saint George

Second Interlude:
Where the wood once bloomed unbound, a shaft of ivory rises
and reigns above a throne of clouds, where veil of white disguises
a wilting rose, a potted plant; did Gaea plan her fate?
Behind the stained-glass window's view, Joanna meekly waits.

Act 3:  Joanna
These are excerpts from an operetta I'm composing.  I had hoped for these stanzas to be able to stand on their own as poetry.  In the work, the first stanza will be read aloud while a feminine Eros and a masculine, deified Logos meet in the middle of the stage and, after clasping hands, Eros is pushed down by Logos.  The interludes will be sung by a full female choir.
929 · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Leaves
Cory Childs Jul 2011
The room is empty, save the leaves of what was weakly grown
Parting way with pain and grief, new hope is hardly sown
Lonely sapling greets the light and cautiously unfolds
but is eclipsed from welling eyes by with'ring leaves of old

Fear has made the sapling pine for comfort's calm embrace
But oh, how better petals shine when love has set their pace
and as its blossom only stems from stock already grown
the sapling hopes to love again but grows as well alone
828 · Jul 2011
Cory Childs Jul 2011
One man among many, of this I’m most sure:
on chorus’ carriage she reigns.
But settling with rest, all chaste and demure,
writhing with thirst as we're dangled the cure,
has only led me to more pain.

To rise up the race to a canter,
or let each drown her with cracked song
that shouts loudest deserves her answer?
With men, I’m not much of a dancer -
I won’t whisper sweetly for long.
810 · Sep 2011
Juvenilia: Warming the Iron
Cory Childs Sep 2011
This problem is all too familiar,
my ignition unstarted and still.
Can you find it and fuel it and startle
foreign gears and uncharted wheels?

Will you put life in this husk?

Will you come as the jilt of a lover,
or perhaps her sincerest embrace?
some extrinsic and chemical other,
catalyzing more confident state?

Will you find life in this husk?

I wonder how those with no questions
seem to draw from somewhere so much fruit.
My answer waits for me to liken
my own source to the fawn's and the root's.

Will I see life in this husk?
803 · Apr 2011
Juvenilia: Beauty
Cory Childs Apr 2011
She raised herself with elegance
above the scathing sea,
and from a splendid mountaintop,
her strength shines down on me.

But I see the waves are rising
as the clouds conceal the sun
and choke her bright horizons;
will hope be overrun?

My heart is moved to action!
I can't let beauty fall!
If ever hope is lapsing,
I'll always heed her call.
784 · Mar 2011
Juvenilia: Things Change
Cory Childs Mar 2011

Day after day
after day after day

Day after day
the dawn will wake
and so will I

From a dreary, dull escape
I'll find the strength
to open my eyes

Through the midday height
I'll guide myself right
for better, brighter ways
(a better, brighter way)

When the weary dusk sets
I'll reap due rest
with honest, easy grace
(shameless, graceful, sweet senescence)


Use the day
Use the day

See, the light
never dies
it hides away

Why not try?
Let life thrive
against decay

Star echo
seems hollow
but don't despair!
(oh, use the day, use your love and hope)

Love and hope
shape our world
just as well
(to shape our world just)
As these are the lyrics to a 4 part choir composition, the lyrics in parenthesis are referring to what is sung by the female and male soloists.
762 · Jul 2011
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Who am I to question why
the hotdog has its name?
I'll eat all I'm ordered to
(besides, they say it's good for you),
but still, what sort of dog is used
that's born with such a shape?

Quick, before my stomach turns
and opens hungry eyes,
I'll relish sweetest ignorance
of what my meal's comprised.
Somebody challenged me to write a poem about hotdogs and relish.  "Take that!" I said.
734 · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Untitled
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Dearest Heart, won't you assuage
the beat that sweetly plagues my days
and changes them to tearful nights
that blur the dawn's idyllic light?

Cruelest heart, I've had enough
and you don't seem to care!
729 · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Stop
Cory Childs Jul 2011
I can't undo!  I'm too taut to lose
a shameful strain, a wired, painful memory
that stresses me to cringe away again.

I know too well what they'd all say:
"Better safe than sorry!"
If I let them down, they'll turn a way,
damning me with folly.

What did you expect
when you held me with regret?
Oh, how could I forget...
How can I forget?

I can't undo.
I can't undo.
I can't undo,
but I can work through.
669 · Jun 2011
Juvenilia: Untitled
Cory Childs Jun 2011
The new wind threatens
the structure of what has been
the wisdom of tradition
all our rigid, reverent ease

How can I hold?

Oh, how can I hold when
the freedom from control can expand
chance for wild reaction
naked in the savage ocean

Where did we go?

The new wind could mix
flowing wisdom with this
safe and steady freedom

Preserve what's passed to
help the future last in
any way they see fit

However we hold!
634 · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Waiting
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Wait just a little more.
Wait for the sun to show.
Wait just a moment more.
Rain makes the flowers grow.
Hold on!  Don't lose hope!

Wait just a little more.
Wait for the sun to show.
Wait just a moment more.
Pain makes the hours slow.
Hold on!  Hold on!  Hold on, don't lose hope!

Wait just a little more.
Wait for the sun to show.
Wait just a moment more.
Rain makes the flowers grow.
Hold on!  Hold on!  Hold on, don't lose hope!

Don't let this break you!
Don't let this sweep you away!
Patience is virtue when you must choose to shoulder the weight.
Just a little more!  Just a moment more!
Hold on, don't lose hope!
Don't lose heart!
Don't lose hope.
Lyrics, yo.
625 · Jul 2011
Juvenilia: Move
Cory Childs Jul 2011
Through a winter, long and sullen
I've waited for the weather's change,
for songs of love that sit unspoken,
for spring to bring me joy again.

And in my fading ember's light
I chance upon a gem so bright
with heavy heart and fiery eyes
I dream of what could be!
Written in November of 2011.
621 · Sep 2011
No. 1
Cory Childs Sep 2011
If you cast truly, king fisher of men,
Show care with connection, rare, meaningful song;
Withered by loss, I cannot comprehend
Why seed should be made to stay only so long.
Feeling for reason, flowing stone divides,
Severing seasons of constant refrain.
Though I deem sep'rate the day from the night,
Singular cycles are all that remain.
O, to make matter, to spirit up beach,
Drawn by some beauty, so vibrantly graved!
Roaring, I'd grasp what's been kept beyond reach,
Breathing new life into what should be saved;
     But presence of peace neither soothes nor forestalls
     When what order brings must be destined to fall.
616 · Oct 2010
Juvenilia: Falling Fancy
Cory Childs Oct 2010
O! what enthralling beauty!
This love was quite a catch!
And though our dawn burned through me,
those feelings never last.

The edge that I had felt you with
has dulled and lost its shine.
While, once, I wore you well,
something new will suit me fine.


Fancy leaves an open space
that's turned to Love or left with haste
Originally written in November of 2008.  The more succinct version was written in November of 2010.
570 · Jun 2015
Cory Childs Jun 2015
All potency for pain and pleasure binds,
Confined to freely ebb from causal shell;
Then, urged by current convalescing mind
My heart parts way with what decaying, fell.
What if the sapling's ardor fails to flower,
So choked from light by canopy of old?
From bitter yield, I've winnowed only sorrow;
Love's fruitless growth has left me bare and cold.
Quickening, each pattern passed holds lessen,
With way now clear, I remain resolute:
Dreaming of trunk's branches' fruitful blossom
I make the means for chance to sweetly root.
   Though Nature bounding, I still wonder why
   Life, borne by grief, seems grown to die.
494 · Sep 2011
Cory Childs Sep 2011
Isn't it vile to feel such a way
for something that I can't control?

— The End —