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265 · Mar 2016
Cortney Trumble Mar 2016
As I lay here and weep,
I am surrounded by darkness,
Inside and out.
The darkness is deafening,
I cannot hear myself think.

As I lay here to sleep,
This darkness is a drug.
It causes me so much pain,
But yet I still come crawling back.

As I lay here and weep,
This darkness is depression,
The most vile drug known to man.
The darkness takes so many,
Without a hint of remorse or regret.
It kills without hesitation.

As I lay here to sleep,
I ponder over the darkness,
And question it's true comfort.
I wonder what it would be like,
How it would feel.

As I lay here and weep,
I am surrounded by darkness.
Inside and out.

— The End —