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Corine Renee Jun 2010
I lost you.
I'm not sure when
And I'm not sure how.
But I did.
I lost you.
You slipped right through.
My arms couldn't catch you.
My hands couldn't reach you.
And you fell
Into darkness.
Why did I lose you?
Why did you let go?
Tell me.
Tell me why!
But I know you won't.
Why would you?
Your silence torments me.
And I know
It brings a mangled smile
To your devilish face.
That devilish face I can't see.
But I long to.
Oh, do I long to see it.
But I don't think I ever will.
It's been so long
Since I have.
And I don't remember
Your notable features.
But I want to.
So desperately do I want to.
But I lost you.
And I don't think
I'll ever get you back.
I wish to.
More than anything I wish to.
To wrap you in my arms
To hold you in my hands
To see you with my eyes
To have you as mine
Once again
But I lost you.
*I lost you.
Corine Renee Jun 2010
I had a dream last night.
The first one in a while.
You were there
Holding my hand
Smiling that beautiful smile.
But it didn't last long.
You were taken from me.
My alarm rang
My eyes opened
And there had ended my dream.
I was overwhelmed by sadness.
You weren't next to me in bed.
My smile faded
My heart frowned
All I had were the thoughts in my head.
My mind was screaming.
The words were fast.
I hate myself.
I woke up.
You're in my past.

My mind is shattering.
Why did you leave?
Was it something I said?
Something I did?
I don't know what to believe.
So now all I have left
Are the dreams of you and me.
Whether they are peaceful
Or painful
That's really all I need.
Corine Renee Jun 2010
You broke me.
You won.
So take your victory bow.
These are the words I want to say.
But I won't.
I don't want you to know
You won.
I don't want you to know
I broke.
So as far as you know
This war is still raging.
Battles are still flaring.
I'm still strong.
But I'm not.
And the war has long
Been over.
And long ago
The battles lost
By me
And won
By you.
But you don't know that.
And I doubt you ever will.
You don't care enough
To know
Or to
Notice that
You broke me.
You won.
Corine Renee Jun 2010
Come on, now.
Pick yourself up.
Put on that show.
Pretend everything's all right.
You know it's not.
But do they need to?
Fake your smile.
Hide your eyes.
Stay strong.
I know you feel like crying.
I know you feel like breaking.
That's what they want.
Can't you see?
But of course you can't.
Your vision's blurred
By those tears.
Those tears
That weren't supposed to fall
From your lifeless eyes.
But they did.
Now what?
You can't stop, can you?
I told you.
But you didn't listen.
And now look where you are.
On the ground.
On the gound.
On the ground.
But that's not you.
So come on, now.
Pick yourself up.
Put on that show.
Pretend everything's all right.
Corine Renee Jun 2010
I awake to another Day,
Of fighting this battle Alone.
I down the same old Pill,
Hoping it'll help these tired Bones.

But I highly doubt it Will,
Because it never has Before.
I get so fed up with Waiting
For these meds to even the Score.

I just want to Escape,
This ongoing war of Life.
But is it really worth It
If the only escape is a Knife?

I'm so ashamed to Admit,
The loneliness I do Feel.
How muchlonger will it Take
For my wounds to finally Heal?

Each day it is a Struggle,
To open up my Eyes.
And in the back of my Mind
Haunts thoughts of my own Demise.

But do I really want That?
Is that the only Cure?
I just can't make that Commitment,
Until I know for Sure.

So I'll awake to another Morning,
And fight through another Day.
And pray to the god I don't believe In,
That it will someday be Okay.
Corine Renee Jun 2010
Tear-filled Eyes,
And a broken Soul.
Pick yourself Up,
And let it all Go.

We all Know,
This world isn't Right.
But that's no Reason,
To give up the Fight.

You've been through Hell,
And that's Okay.
You're still Here,
So why not Stay?

So choke back the Tears,
And pretend you're Okay.
Take a step Back,
And watch the world be Amazed.

They can't break You,
And don't you dare Fall.
Get off that Ground,
And stand up Tall.

Show them that Smile,
That everyone Loves.
And prove to the World,
Your spirit is Tough.

And one of these Days,
It will all be all Right.
Because with every bit of Darkness,
There's some form of Light.

— The End —