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Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I had a dream once,
That I stole you away.
Left the others behind,
and took you to a place
that you'd never been before.
We'd watch the sun go down.
And we would fall,
both in love and asleep,
in each other's arms.
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I'm not sure anymore.
You seem perfect for me.
But then again,
So does everyone else.
Am I in love with you?
or have I been alone for too long?
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I'm absolutely terrified.
Theres no way it could work.
But that reality won't stop,
My heart from melting whenever I see you.
I'm falling for you.
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I want to know you
Not the you on the outside
the real you
I want to explore
every crevice of your personality
I want to share your hopes and dreams
And take on your fears and anxieties
Because you are truly fascinating.
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I'd love to say **** it,
Drop everything and run away with you.
Run from the evil people and their hateful words.
We could go to our own sanctuary,
Safe from the world outside.
But alas, I am trapped here.
I need you,
Save me.
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I met a ******* the bus.
Well, I say met,
If your definition of met,
Is stared at creepily.
An hour of daydreaming,
An hour of imagining,
Your voice,
Your scent,
Your personality.
An hour of pure bliss,
And you were gone.
You will be missed.
It pains me to know I'll never get to know you.
Conor Wilson Nov 2012
I've been here before,
This place of hurt and suffering
Because you don't love me back,
And I won't be the same.

I've changed myself,
To accommodate you.
But you changed as well,
In the opposite direction.

I guess I'll have to move on.
There's nothing here for me here.
Thanks for the memories,
I'll remember you always.
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