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Mar 2011 · 468
Were Here For You...
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
People don't see what your going through,
But that doesn't mean you go alone...
We will stand with you at the gates of hell if your afraid,
But don't you dare give up...
Here we are for you,
So pick your head up and look life in the eye...
Never look back just go,
We know that you feel lost in this world...
But your going to start heading back on track,
Don't let any one tell you else...
Remember were here.
Mar 2011 · 382
Humans Alike Listen Up
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
If you stray your thoughts too long on the past it will consume you,
So just sit back and realize tomorrows going to be ok...
As time progresses we will survive, and keep strong,
The hard times will be over soon...
Just wait, and the bountiful fields will come to you,
Your love might be nearer than you think...
Don't waste away, and be held back,
Everyone has a little good in them no matter how evil they are..
You can never mess up bad enough not to live,
So give it all you got...
And don't look back.
Mar 2011 · 363
Life Is Some Ship
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
Follow me to the ends of the earth,
Follow me until the day you die...
Follow me beyond this world,
I will guide you...
Like a beacon among the horizon I will light your way,
Threw the mists of hard times...
Threw the lands of the unknown,
I will save you if you go overboard...
You will never be alone,
Don't be deceived by the temptations...
You don't have to do this alone,
So come and lets set sail.
Mar 2011 · 317
Were All Just Ghost's
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
We see our lives go day by day,
Floating away to where we can't grasp...
Until we feel that we have achieved our dreams...

We let the mistakes we've made haunt us,
Until we make them right...
It rips away at us...

But even in the bad there is your good,
You remember the faces...
The faces of the people you once loved...

You reach for them...
There a guiding light to bring you back into this world,
Out of the shadows that have absorbed you...

Your among the living again...
Thanks to the people who care for you,
The Truth is we can't live until you do...

So keep living, and we will live just the same...
A convergence of souls...
To guide the others,
From the Shadows
Mar 2011 · 586
The Tale of Insanity
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
There souls like wild fire burning to escape,
Escape what exactly?...
Their escaping there minds,
To the eternal plains of Insanity...
What led them there?
They were led by curiosity, and greed...
Two invokable deeds punished with little mercy,
Is there any hope for them now that they have driven the path they chose?
Yes but they must face there worst fears before there eyes, and forget them...
Yet on the brink of insanity lies the quiet steps of death,
Death waits for no man, nor woman...
Insanity is the same way,
There a family of sorts... All three of them...
The first two lead to death...
Curiosity leads to insanity,
And Insanity leads to death...
The graves will be filled with these poor people as the times we live in get harder,
But there is a bright side to this endless tragedy...
We will be surrounded by the survivors, or the stronger of the two,
All around us will be the good that is left in the world...
A strong light which will lead us into the future of greatness...
Remember that only in a world of Darkness can,
The Strong survive to bring back the light...
Never give up, and this will be Mankind's greatest achievement...
Mar 2011 · 325
The Path Way
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
Walk down the path of your choice,
But remember who you are...
Don't show likeness to the demons of greed,
Recall all who have done something for you...
Big or Small It was for you,
That's all that should matter it benefited you...
The Demons are recruiting there people,
But these people are the weak ones...
The ones who would sell there soul for money,
The ones that only care for themselves...
Humanity should stray from that path, and pave a new one,
One of Glory, and the Greater Good...
This will only be permitted by the bonding of souls,
The understanding of others...
And The Determination,
We have this inside all of us...
Even if we have strayed far into the darkness,
Let there be that one guiding light to bring us back.
Mar 2011 · 329
Time Is The Essence
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
Time its something we all can't hide from,
Death is just one more thing we can't escape...
No matter where you hide it will always catch up,
But this is the time to live while it's worth it...
Don't take life for granted,
No matter how hard it is...
There's always somebody who has worse,
Some people didn't even get to live at all...
So be free and wild just like your God made you be,
Lets get our fun and energy out in this world...
Before we take our eternal sleep.
Mar 2011 · 984
The Want Of Belonging
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
People search far and wide for Love,
Not only is it love there looking for though...
There looking towards a place where they belong,
Where people don't judge them on there actions or appearance,
A place where people love them, and accept them for who they are,
And not what they think they should be...
Ones only hope is to look within for this feeling,
Never give up on the search...
Please just keep going and be free of these gnarling demons,
Let love break there grasp upon you...
Be Free,
And Most importantly...
Find That Feeling Or Die Trying
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
Death had a vice grip over humanity,
but its lost its icy touch...
Some people claim their not afraid, or they die for a cause
We call them martyrs
But really why do they do what they do?
Do they do it for us?
Or is it for there benefit to go to the place they want
Maybe they need escape from this world
Perhaps they have been purged into darkness and can see no light in this world
Is this what we should believe in?
No, we should believe in a world where you can trust in a complete stranger
In a world where the Demons don't exist
Is this in the future?
Time is the key were just the lock...
Mar 2011 · 981
Human Selfishness
Conor Cleveland Mar 2011
Its your decision what to do with your life,
Yet people try to control, and give you strife...
Its your choice,
So listen to your voice...

Though being all alone is selfish too,
You always need somebody to say **I love you

— The End —