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 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"
a "can't decide", an "I don't know"
decisions everywhere I go
a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"

a "what", a "why", a "let me be"
please oh please just don't ask me
problems and worries are all I see
a "what", a "why", a "let me be"

a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"
a "can't decide", an "I don't know"
decisions everywhere I go
one more and I think I'll blow
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
we'll face the world
a pair of two
you with me
and me with you

you'll hold my hand
I'll kiss your cheek
together strong
together weak

come make me laugh
I'll make you grin
we'll never feel
alone again

standing together
side by side
our souls will never
have to hide

we'll face the world
a pair of two
you with me
and me with you
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
an old soul,
a little crinkled on the edges
covered in the musty scent of a grandmothers attic,
tainted with memories of what has been
and what is yet to be
a free spirit,
drawn by the tug of
the wind
and the water
and the waves beating upon the shore
time and time again
wanting to go
the soul fights back a weary sigh
isn't there something better to be doing?
and after all
won't the tide be gone
in just a couple of days?
the slow hiss of air from a deflating balloon
another dream is drowned in maybes
washed away like a finger smudge scrubbed off a window on cleaning day
a constant tug of war
waging on and on
an old soul
a free spirit
a restless heart
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
I wanted to make sense of the world
To dot my i's and cross my t's
And hope that everything would sort itself out
I colored inside the lines with black and white, and thought that's what made it look beautiful
And I tried so hard to blend in
That I lost what it took to stand out
Until one day I didn't cross a t
And tried not to worry that it looked like an l
I colored outside the lines, just a little bit
Even though it made it look gray
But no one ever said gray looked bad
And when I stopped trying to understand the world I realized that the world doesn't want to be understood
Some things just aren't meant to make sense
And when I stopped trying so much to fit in
I learned that the world likes people who stand out
And if that's not beautiful, I don't know what is
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
Inside the jelly jar it is as small as small can be
You'll find creatures there that only you alone can see
There are creatures full of wonder - full of faith and hope and love;
Some are clumsy like the giant. Some are graceful like the dove
They are all very different - in their own special way
And when they look inside their hearts they find that they can save the day.
I think that we as humans posses these traits as well
Some just may be locked in our hearts in an ugly sort of cell.
Therefore I invite you to set these feelings free
And after this you'll find that you're not who you used to be;
You're a whole new person - and much better by far
And it's all because you took the time to look inside the jelly jar.
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
I'm from Sister Shubert's rolls and homemade chicken and dumplings
From bowling late on Thanksgiving night to trying to be the first one to find the pickle in the Christmas tree

I'm from the smell of my mom's famous pies (pecan, chocolate peanut butter and Kentucky derby fresh from the oven)
From "Sweet Caroline" and "Oh Happy Day"

I'm from the macaroni and cheese I never realized was good
From "Dance with the cow in a patch of clover" and puzzles on Nana's steps

I'm from Rook parallel to the bathtub
From my three favorite windows in the whole house and crazy surprises in my lunchbox

I'm from reading dad's sermons over his shoulder early on Sunday mornings
From lightning bugs and fried okra to the quote board and pickle pancakes

I'm from biscuits with honey for breakfast every Saturday
From McDonald's delicious chocolate birthday cakes

I'm from ***** feet and a pitch black washcloth
And that's the only way I'd want it
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
Buy a box of your favorite thoughts
Take them off the shelf
Glue them in the corner of your brain
Let them become yourself

Pick a bouquet of your favorite songs
Chose them each with care
Plant then deep inside your soul
For when you need them there

Grab a jar of your favorite feelings
Pour them in your heart
And when your breath just seems to stop
They'll remind you when to start

Tie a string with all my love
A bow upon your bones
Let it warm you so you know
You'll never be alone

Write a poem, hang it up
Let everyone get near it
And at the top make sure you write
"How to mend a spirit"
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
There's a girl who laughs the color of the full moon
She crinkles her eyes as a smile spreads over her face
Stretching like leather on an canvas

There's a girl who cries the color of an unripe blackberry
She watches sad movies and chokes back tears
Letting the salt water tell her to breathe

There's a girl who dreams the color of old lace
She flips through an old photo album
And imagines her future through the fading memories of the past

There's a girl who sings the color of your favorite t-shirt
She lets her voice be drowned out by the radio
The wind whipping through her hair on a Sunday afternoon

Then there is a girl who is nothing

And I don't know which one matters more
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
A poem is for the poet
Not for the teacher
Not for the reader
Not for the editor
Not for any of those people
(although they may want it to be)

A poem is for the poet
And I think sometimes we forget that
 Jan 2015 Connor Widener
You're going to end up in a car with the star of the football team with no idea what to say to him
You're going to run down a hill in a flowing skirt and feel like a model
You're going to wake up with cramps and a broken heart and want to stay in bed for eternity
You're going to have an inside joke with your locker neighbor and realize he's not such a bad guy
You're going to write so many papers that you have a little indention in your finger from holding the pencil
You're going to stumble across that old love letter you got in 5th grade and nostalgia will flood your mind
You're going to square dance in the middle of a city with your best friend
You're going to sing at the top of your lungs going down the interstate
You're going to laugh until you cry
And you're going to realize that yes, life is beautiful; and yes, life is sad; but more than anything, life sure is weird
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