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9.1k · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
A new face

new name

new friend

and heartbeat quickens

deep breaths

shaky hands

sweaty palms

and heartbeat quickens

a quick hello

conversation follows

and heartbeat quickens

the question

and yes.

Heartbeat slows.
1.8k · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Stormclouds move across my amber evening sky

Painting it shades of grey and pink and orange

As the wind blows through our window

It whistles a lonely, homesick call

As you walk through the room

Your voice is bittersweet to hear

Confusing to my heart

Tearing it apart

Chasing its tail

Because it doesn’t know what else to do
1.4k · Oct 2012
Anatomy of a Hug
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
What is a hug?
A warm, loving gesture
Composed of many parts.
Arms over arms
Body to body.
Hearts beating
Lovers breathing
warm air onto each other.
The feel, the smell of hair.
And the invisible flow of
Love between two souls.
1.4k · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
In different
I could have called you
My Own.
Prevent us
From being
And he,
As my friend,
Must come before
I willingly betray
My own happiness
For yours, and for his,
Because of
1.2k · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
The capture of a second
To imprison the very essence of life
The moments that make us who we are
Beautiful time spaces
Spent living and loving and laughing
Running and jumping and kissing
Time spent with friends
Time spent with family
Time spent

And looking at a photo
makes one wonder
About the time spent outside the frames
And who that was
And what they were like
And who they loved
And who loved them.

But those are just fleeting thoughts
And they are lost forever in the moments
Without a picture to keep them.
1.2k · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
You and I

We’re of the same kind

      Both seeing more than meets the eye

And it’s this insight

  that ties us tight

     Me and You, You and I

Both of us





       for others,

    (and for our own goals)

        rejecting ourselves

     (and indulging in ourselves.)

  Living, breathing contradictions

  That refuse to change

   (But do so anyway.)

So the question we end up asking ourselves

Day after day

Is “what do I do,

knowing what I know

feeling as I feel,

how do I create the me

that I see

fit to be?”

The answer is:

We don’t.

We go with the wind

and our emotions.

We do our best to make the world better,

Poor souls living in a destitute world.
741 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I lie here


at 3 a.m.

and the thoughts

running through my mind

won't stop.

I lie here


at 3 a.m.

and the emotions

going through my heart

won't cease.

It's 3 a.m.

and I lie here,


because I can't stop

thinking about you

loving you

reliving our time


I lie here


at 3 a.m.

because of you.
726 · Oct 2012
The Penny
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I began my humble journey

    At the peak of a mighty *****

        Dropped by a humble poet

             Making his long walk home

As I started my wis'ning voyage

      I spied the miserly rich man

         Counting his weekly excess

                Money, gold, silver, land

His heart, consumed with greed for his gains

      Was too focused on his returns

          To care for a common penny

                 So on I went, for a home, my heart, it yearned.

As I passed through the place

   Where daily, business was done

        Buildings, structures that scraped the sky

               Blocked the sun, where once it shone.

My passage continued through the city

     To the crowded shopkeepers' stores

           A wonderful place of smells and sights

              Cooked goose, cattle, and boars!

But the keepers' minds were distracted

    With the day's stresses and concerns

      To notice what was around them

        So on I went, for a home, my heart, it yearned.

Then I came to the ghetto,

    That horrible, wretched place

        With hovels and shanties and shacks

             Loan sharks and gangsters and snakes

The people there were fearful

    Of what, I could not tell

          For it was more than thugs

               It was their hate; love was encased in shells

Then something that I saw made me stop,

    A family of five, happy and alive

      Their love for another was stronger than fear

          So on I went, toward home, I would strive

Until I was taken by the lowly thief

     Looking to pay for his next meal

        He dropped me when he was arrested

            For as you know, thieves, they steal.

I stopped at the bottom of the *****

    Where hill turned into rolling plains

         I thought there I would rust forever.

            Until I saw the humble poet, flesh & veins.

               He picked me up and told me of his day

          And  how he had followed me, a mere penny

       For I was important to him, special.

He put me in his pocket, with my family to join!

So there I stayed, returning home,

Recounting my tale to the rest.

How he had found me when all hope had been lost

And my excitement for new journeys, and what would come next.
702 · Oct 2012
Everlasting Sunshine
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Radiant, everlasting sunshine

struck me.

My senses were inundated

by everlasting sunshine.

Stopped cold,

my thoughts soon turned to them,

and how the months would play out

Whether we would stay friends

Or go separate ways.

Or if I'd ever even see you

After May.

I was brought back to reality


by the smell of everlasting sunshine.
603 · Oct 2012
Untitled 6
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I have found

A person I can trust in you.

A person

so merciful



Someone who will stand by me

As I would them.

Someone whose elegance

Far surpasses my own,

And with you I can find


A blessing

Who compensates

For my own lack of grace.
593 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I’m fine

I don’t need anything

Just leave me to myself

Just walk away

Just don’t return

I’m wrong

Please come back

I need all you can give

All your love and more

Everything you have

I need you

I admit it

I need nothing

I’m above this

Above you

I’m not

I need  you

and your love

and your help

Help me understand

Why do I do this?
563 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I am the dust

The dust, it is myself

I am drawn to it

Bound to it

Its power

Its infinity

I am the dust

To the dust

I shall return

Like the dust

I too, shall fade

Yet ever-present

Like the dust
553 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
My Life is the Road

the freedom of the open

the outside

the smell

of rubber, and asphalt.

My Life is the Mountains

the booming silence

of those enormous Majesties.

My Life is the Desert

the painted rocks

the aroma of Life

in an alien landscape

that I call Home.

My Life is the Winter,

the coldest,

deepest, snow-filled Winter;

Yet my Life is the Summer,

full of vivacity and adventure.

My Life is the Spring,

just beginning to bloom

and blossom

into something


Yet my Life

is the Autumn,

a part of it ending,

but soon to bring something

even more amazing.

My Life is Fleeting Permanence,

gone in the blink of an eye,

but always present
509 · Oct 2012
Untitled 4
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
What is it
That I so
Seek? Is it
Love, despite
The love that is
Shown, by friends,
Family, and even strangers?
Is it solace?
Solace from hate,
From lust, greed,
From want?
Is it beauty?
Do I seek respite
From the hideous monster
That can be reality?
Or is it simply
Meaning in this world.
A purpose. So simple
A desire, yet so complex,
So intricate, and so taxing
Is the search
for Meaning.
What is it that I long for?
493 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Reading these words
The memories surge
Regrets shoved away
Come back for today
And if I could give the apology
That fixed both you and me
I wouldn't be up late
Trying to debate
And what of tomorrow?
So if you'll read this note
And find some hope or
Solace in its text
Then who knows what'll come next?
476 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Sitting here, so trapped

Feeling as if each breath

Takes me further from freedom

Feeling that,

Each second is wasted

  That, at this moment

I should be somewhere else

Not here,

Far away.

But I remain,

And envy the passers-by

Below my window.
473 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Kid, don't fret yourself

Over the problems you have.

There's always a way out

A light

           at the end of the tunnel.

Don't worry yourself

Into oblivion

You'll be alright.


Always remember

The sun'll be out

In time.
455 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Thoughts flowing
Words and phrases
Floating around
like butterflies.
Ideas coming
or genius?
A mind without
free to roam.
Sometimes gone
for days.
Going places
Where others have not.
Multi-coloured lights
suspended mid-air.
All within
a small space.
453 · Oct 2012
Sit & Wait
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I sit & wait

Against my better judgement

I try to communicate

These emotions that I'm feeling

Right now

But I know that you don't care

Not a word from you I'll hear

Until the silence, so maddening

Drives me inward

Only to return

To sit & wait.
432 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
There are many ways
To describe
A lost soul
Distant eyes
A cold stare
And yet
I am many
Other things,
Much happier.
Bright eyes
A warm smile,
A conversation,
A loving embrace.
And yet
All these ways
To describe
Are only words.
432 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
Gliding above the surface

So calm and peaceful.

Yet underneath

Lies the unknown

Underneath lies turbulence

and uncertainty.

And if you decide

to jump in,

rather than ignore,


that there's no coming back.
374 · Oct 2012
Untitled 2
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
A warm smile
A familiar face
An old friend.
Flying, floating
Love, a beautiful symphony
Of two old friends.
355 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I Wish

I had

the courage

to say how I feel.

I Wish

I had

the Audacity

to say it to you.

I Wish

I had

the Strength

to tell you above the sound

of a Whisper.

And how

I Wish

you would simply

346 · Oct 2012
Untitled 3
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
In the face of a thousand suns
In darkness
My heart breaks.
I move by instinct
In the face of a thousand suns
In darkness.
And my heart breaks
For you
For me
And for love
Lost between us.
346 · Oct 2012
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
These letters to friends

Could write novels

Of the relationships

Of the past

Of old enemies

and old flames

Speaking volumes

To the present

To where I am now

To who I am now

Of the irony

Of my life

Even at this very hour.

These letters to friends

Could write novels.
307 · Oct 2012
Untitled 5
Connor Sullivan Oct 2012
I want

to be


in sound

to become


I long

to be carried away

by the sheer power

of a simple


— The End —