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Connie Buchan Oct 2013
I am writing here, just off the cuff.
Some have a problem. I don't find it tough.

It's not very late but I find my mind slow.
Soon it will be off to bed I do go.

My eyes, they are heavy. Hard to keep open.
In slumber land soon, and dreamin', I'm, hopin'.

I like when I dream and best when remembered
Walls of protection easy surrendered.

I dream in colour, a rainbow is painted
Life as I want it, not reality tainted.

So I'll say goodnight, see you tomorrow.
Shut out the world and all of its sorrow.

The next day will dawn, all shiny and new
A good time for me and I hope also you.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
The rumble of rolling thunder
And a breeze settles in
Cooling this prairie night
That the sunny day began.

Summer days of freedom
And whiling the hours away,
Nights filled with dreaming
Waking to a brand new day.

The simplicity of watching
As a baby bird begins to fly
And the contented easy feeling
Of cherished days gone by.

Knowing there are days to come,
Times to laugh and give.
And when there are no more for me
I’ll be glad I loved and lived.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
You came along all bathed in light
Loaded bow with which to smite
Your aim was true, I took the pierce
I fell but hard and landed fierce.

The love you sent was welcomed free
By my treasured and by me.
We soon were joined, two hearts as one
Only to have it all undone.

You changed your haloed ring of gold
To a jester's crown, I am now told.
Far are we from wedded bliss
I remember not the last time we kissed.

Your dart was true, now the poison gone
For now I stand here all alone.
But if I knew then what I know by now
Would I have killed this sacred cow?

I would not have flinched or walked away.
I could not have dodged your hit that day.
I would not stand the one I am
But another's life I'd live a sham.

One cannot say what holds the heart
But to take a chance for love to start
Is the greatest gift known to man
And for that I'll gladly take my stand.

A chance to love and find your heart
To have it struck by Cupid's dart.
To risk a chance to be made a fool
Is all to real and all so cruel.

But to have life soar to endless bounds
That is why we take the rounds.
For to be one's love for ever more
That would end life's final score.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
**** you, my lover!
I hate you for what you have not done
And myself for what I have.
But alas, the clock of time does not tick backwards.

I say you made no choice, but you did.
You just didn’t choose me, not as I wanted to be chosen.
Not giving your all to me alone.
Not giving to anyone really, just taking where you could.

You were selfish, I so very stupid.
But I lived with that all this long while.
After having been apart once I said never again
But Again has come…again.

Times change, wants change, settling changes.
This time I make another choice.
I want more but not from you.
Our time has passed.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
So you think you’re all that and a bag of chips?
You give it away with the sway in your hips.
Yeah, you’re hot.
But everything? Maybe not.

What stops you from being the perfect star
Is you thinking you already are.
You’re really not everything I need.
A little more humble and a little less greed.

If you turn out to be everything that you think
I guess I was wrong to put this in ink.
I’ll say I am sorry and show my regret
But I’m not going to do that, is my safest bet.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
Eyes of rich and deepest blue
Without you dear, what am I to do?
I see you here with me now
I carry on, I know not how.

Your gaze looks back from an image fair
Ah, but if only you were truly there.
My love for you never fades
We had our few momentous days.

Our time was short but our love was strong
Now I live without too long.
I walk around in this empty shell
And wait for your touch to end this spell.

But my heart knows not what my mind sees through
The life I’m in and without you.
If I could turn back to another time
You’d be again forever mine.
Connie Buchan Oct 2013
He sees her strut, legs alight.
His eye she catches, one dreary night.
He sets his snare, he waits her glance.
He'll only get one fleeting chance.

She is quick, herself quite proud
But he seeks her out from the madding crowd.
Her wit is quick, tongue lashing smart.
He knows he'll take her from the start.

His hook does catch, now's a waiting game.
His prize is her, but for to claim.
She'll make a move, he'll wait for that.
For now he watches like a cat.

She says hello, the door is cracked.
He wants her badly, on her scent he's jacked.
To win this prize and make her his
He'll test her hard. Can she pass the quiz?

She struggles well and resists his charm.
Her fear - he means her deathly harm.
He pursues his prey. Knows the prize.
He allows her valiant but feeble tries.

She is out-matched, she sees that quick
But to her plan she tries to stick.
He takes her down on bended knee.
Soon her soul will be set free.

She's confused and scared, he calms her fears
Whispers gently in her ears.
"You know I'll win, I 'm the one.
What I have done can not be undone."

She stops to think of her sealed fate.
The moment to flee has come too late.
She is his forever more.
He takes her in and shuts the door.

Now inside his lair of power
She peers out from gilded bower.
She submits. To him she'll heed
For now her king is all she'll need.
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