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Corndog08 Sep 2014
My love,
this one goes out,
to the most beautiful,
**** scout.
Her face is gold,
her smell is sweet,
her hand are soft,
i love her feet.
It may sound weird,
what I write,
but my love,
my life,
my heart.
my teddybear,
a sweet,
cherry blossom,
of pure bliss,
she is my, only possum.
Corndog08 Sep 2014
Why oh why,
the woodpecker cry,
am I so lonely,
is this why,
I eat caterpillers,
I eat tree,
I peck at the bark,
but this is just me,
my brothers and sisters,
aboandond me,
long ago in my woodpecker tree,
I only loved them for three seconds more,
until they fell to the woodlands floor,
six were us,
now we are one,
this is it,
this is the the end,
I miss them all,
they left me to fend.
Corndog08 Sep 2014
When the chickens come to town,
do not smile,
do not frown,
sacrafice Mrs Hicken,
sacrafice Mr Dicken,
run away from the chickens,
jump away from the zickens.

When the chickens jump up and down,
do not abreviate,
do not noun.
sacrafice Mrs Houn,
sacrafice Mr Boun,
run away from the ground,
try to not, make a sound.

When the chickens fall from the sky,
do not winge,
do not cry,
sacrafice Mrs Dye,
sacrafice Mr McKye,
duck away from the sky,
no billy, you can not fly.

When the sky, starts to fall out chickens,
not do slow,
not do quicken,
Mrs Sacrafice you will dicken,
Mr Sacrafice you will sicken,
sky away, from the stabbin'
die away, from the kebabin'.
Corndog08 May 2014
my body is white
but my soul is black
I live in the city
but I belong in the country
my eyes are brown
but I see blue
my wrinkles are visible
but I'm only 12
I write my poems
to express myself
Corndog08 May 2014
When the wind blows,
I cry,
not because I'm sad ,
but because in glad,

When the sun shines,
I smile,
Not in a way that's sappy,
but in a way that's happy,

When I see my brother,
I feel love,
not because I love him,
but because I enjoy him.
Corndog08 May 2014
Soccer is love,
soccer is life.
Corndog08 May 2014
Donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts,
donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts,
donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts,
donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts,
donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts,
donuts, donuts, donuts, donuts.
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