Fantastically fashioned fingers,
running smoothly through hair;
past present post-
Father Time struck by Sand Man's stare.
Heavenly hanging hair,
draping gently over lips;
tantalizing teasing tendrils-
Aphrodite's mien, Venus' hips.
Lusciously loving lips,
smiling softly at wandering eyes;
delirious delighted daze-
Pyramus and Thisbe's kiss--butterflies.
Efficaciously effervescent...
enchantingly endearing...
enticingly euphoric...
exultantly excited...
[Simply] ethereal! Eyes,
diamonds, starlight, life, of Earth, sky, and sea;
bejeweled boundless bless'ed-
If thou were Medusa, stone I'd be so readily.
Simply said Shakespeare,
thou art the sun;
falsely framed fairness-
for the sun is not brightest,
tis You tis You,
my wonderful, beautiful One.