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 Apr 2013
You have firmly made up your mind
There is nothing for me to say
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

For such pride, you left me behind
What I thought was hurt, you thought play
You have firmly made up your mind

Love sours like dry lemon rind
Our differences, like night and day
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

At this point, becoming unkind
In taking more than what I gave
You have firmly made up your mind

Need I say more, just to remind
Being the one having to pay
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

History repeats like tapes rewind
Always what you like, what you may
You have firmly made up your mind
Left in the dark, I’ve become blind

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2013

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
 Nov 2011
The moment when we met
All my sins washed away
You forgave all my debts
The moment when we met
To receive your love, I wept
Like rapture on Judgment Day
The moment when we met
All my sins washed away

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
I hope you like my triolet.
 Nov 2011
A cuckoo's first cry  |
At the early morning hour |
Disturbs the slumber
At the edge of dawn |
An early morning riser |
The tweeting songbird

At early morning |
Sound of water falling |
Rain in paradise
I hope you enjoy my haiku. More collections at:;=161981
 Nov 2011
A beacon of light in darkness
Radiating its energy
Defining each object in its colors
Standing out from all others
Emitting rays of hope
Fails me not on stormy nights
Burning bright and glimmering
Through the sconce on the wall
The lamp, like a shining star
Brings warmth to my soul

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
In this poem, the triggering subject is the lamp. The generated subject is hope. Movement is created by association.
 Nov 2011
Dark sky with amber stains
Sinking sun casts shadows over the plain
Fields of wheat redden for each strand of grain
Dark sky with amber stains
Wild horses sleep as their wanderings refrain
Full moon reigns over the terrain
Dark sky with amber stains
Sinking sun casts shadows over the plain

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
 Nov 2011
Another day breaks
As the rising amber sun
Like a tireless watcher
Casts its rays down
The narrow slits of the thatched
Roofs of the village huts.
In the streets, playing
Hide and seek, small kids
Disappear into winding alleys.
Weaving hearts, young girls
In flower shops adorn
The soft petals of the Jasmine
Picked from the nearby fields,
While young boys arrange the
Ripe, freshly picked coconuts on
The fruit vendors’ mats, as
The shop doors open to the
Din of the morning rush hour,
Above their heads, the freshly washed,
Laundry is hung out to dry
On the balconies overlooking
The curving dirt road where
A bullock cart slowly crosses
The wet rice plantations
To the other side as
A distant factory alarms
The start of the new day
In the villages of Lampang

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
© 2011 - All Rights Reserved - sharpcastuser
 Nov 2011
Tides ebb and flow
A circle now complete
What washed ashore will go
Tides ebb and flow
Cast into the sea below
Destined to repeat
Tides ebb and flow
A circle now complete

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
copyright 2011
 Nov 2011
The mirror on the wall
Its cold, glassy stare
Like an intentional glare
At Life captured as a reflection
Observing an image frozen
In our mind , the boundaries
Confined within us defining
Formation of a self-image
Instant Imprints of our conscience
That's searching through the depths
Of one's soul for the affirmations
Needed to sustain an ego
Standing tall over the mantle
Outlining the walls of a room
With hues from a color spectrum
Reflecting light onto the face
Of an onlooker whose eyes gaze
Into this mirror that's on the wall

© 2004 - Pres - All Rights Reserved
copyright 2011

— The End —