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 Mar 2016
Mara Siegel
losing my wisdom teeth
and losing you felt similar;
i only had them (my teeth)
briefly, two months maybe,
just like you.
and when they took them (my teeth), it reminded me
of all the chemicals i put in my body
when i was too young to
understand the consequences.
and when they took you, it reminded me
of all the chemicals i put in my body
now that i'm old enough
to understand the consequences.
 Feb 2016
Mara Siegel
i feel like a sunburn waiting to happen
and my teeth have looked so white lately.

i let you see my body last week;
every part (or as much as i could fit in a 4 inch screen)
and my teeth have looked so white lately.
from the drafts
 Sep 2015
Mara Siegel
i miss you when you were
******* beautiful
with black eyes and thick eyelashes;
i miss you when you were
a mountain man with long brown hair.
i miss you when you were
untouchable and desired
with a broken nose and broken teeth;
i miss you when you were
a sentient being with stories to tell.
 Sep 2015
Mara Siegel
im always around
always down
yellow teeth and brown eyes
 Sep 2015
Mara Siegel
i love going to the dentist and always do my homework on time.
i am bad at remembering to brush my teeth at night and i smoke
so they're yellow
and reading on a computer makes my eyes hurt.
i somehow always get perfect marks on my homework and
my medical records
so how badly can i really be doing?
 Sep 2015
Mara Siegel
you like a girl with teeth too big to fit into her mouth
(i'm glad i grew out of my buckteeth)
 Apr 2015
Mara Siegel
i am grateful for waterproof mascara;
and that i didn't let myself be stopped by the cold weather when i
decided to leave.
i am grateful that i have begun to forget your
teeth and started dreaming about
new grins.
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
He said his favorite curve
on my body looked just
like a closed-mouth
smile; the kind I refused to
show because I believed
in                                        teeth.
(the body is not what it appears to be)
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
your greedy metal mouth  (the taste of tin will never leave my tongue)
   engulfs me
                                               (my parenthetical affection can only last so long
This is like the third poem I've written about the taste of different metals
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
shivers sweep down my spine when I
hear your laugh and see your teeth
[white and straight and hypnotizing]
oh, please, I can't remember the last time I didn't want to dive into your flesh
and dance on your nerves
to see you react to my body on yours.
and while you're standing slightly slouched with
broad shoulders and rough hands
I sit slightly smaller with no fingerprints wondering if there's a chance that maybe our bodies were cut from the same piece of cheap cardboard, meant to fit together with their
jig-sawed  edges.
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
when our faces were close and our mouths still
your broken tooth always reminded me that I was
and now I hear you are getting your front-right-
tooth filled in because
the chip is getting to be too much for you to handle
you're 'so tired' of explaining how it got there.

what does that make me?
******' teeth.
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
like to be inside of your mouth
and find new words hidden under your
 Oct 2014
Mara Siegel
holding hands with a shadow,
hoping maybe i could trick the tooth fairy into
bringing me a new set of canines and
i bled teeth in my bed.
OKAY I AM DONE WITH TEETH FOR AWHILE I'M SORRY FOR ALL THESE POEMS. they all go together so it's fine okay the end
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