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 Sep 2014
Rishi singh
I, the river in you aims to flow
in this world i feel secure and slow

thoughts i carry are my breaths
toe to head i cover all breadths

i chase your senses, cause to damage
distorted you, make it hard to manage

designing traps of passion willingly
make you run behind unknowingly

you die and birth with me in you
you crave for peace, you cry in you

And i the river of thoughts increasing in ego
aims to move stability, is my food to go

thoughts thoughts thoughts in you, in me
bothering to think, i know to face and flee
 Sep 2014
Rishi singh
I m an older shade now, curse me!!
this blunt hint on my face an addressee,

I remember the yore, you sang the sad,
Scratching knees crept on floor, i was mad

Holding me swaying me pressing my hand,
Scrabbling from legs i cried sand sang sand

The smoothest touch ever, the cool breeze,
This water met my feet, oh its a seize.

I drenched,felt the float, left you behind,
Why you cried,the boat find find find.

I m alive in water, and i m older and huge,
Curse me, forget me, im mixed and refuged

— The End —