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 May 2016
Black love that!
Why? Makes me cry, death passes by can make you sigh.
Don’t try, black is pride, makes you smile, love my blackness
God blessed, loving my hotness (meaning sexiness), my black skin, my black hair.
Why love Black? Don’t be afraid, your not a slave, no chattels, no chains, no master, no way!
Love your life, cherish your black skin, no bleaching low self esteem,
High cheekbones, **** curves know what I mean.
Be Black, Love That!
 Jul 2014
As I lay my hand across your heart, wishing we would never part.
You smiled, you lied, that glisten in your eyes Matilda was your star.

I listened gracefully as the tears flowed, I thought love was real nobody knows.

You played a game, to put me in shame, sharing my life with her. Disaster struck I gathered up, finally reduced - all those years, all the tears, all the lies, all the smiles does love ever die? I ask myself why? is this how life should be or is Matilda the honey bee.

— The End —