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If it is only *** spirited and jolly
That gives utter joy in fading life;
Then that priest pious and holy,
Who must not have a darling wife--
Seeing he hath pledged to celibacy--
Will never experience earthly ecstacsy.

And if it is alone gluts of money
That do ensure the soul's bliss
And peace; then that ascetic crony--
The friar--who did willingly kiss
And vowed wholly to worldly poverty,
Neither will know also prosperity.

But, nay; it's neither cash nor coitus
That gives the heart satisfaction surplus.
Rather it be Jesus supreme and superior
That guarantees man intense joy interior.
seeking things
blessed eternity
All through is the heart with tommy rot
Filled. And much volume of flowing waters
Can its evil filthiness wash away not:
The sea that unto the shores spatters
Of the world; neither can the earth's potent
Bleach remove away the dirt stubborn
From man's wicked heart, whose content
Spits out the fire of sin like a dragon.
Nevertheless only a droplet of the blood of
God's Lamb--the Messiah--more than
Able is to cleanse once and for all the tough,
Stinking stains away from the soul of man.
And whiter than snow shall he surely be
That bathes in the shed blood of Christ truly.
This handsome house
winsome enough,
shall someday
To fall:
Just deck they heart
in pride and arrogance.
God is no fool.
Though he were,
it's so cool.
Neither is it in the ablution
of the body,
nor in the absolution
of one's act of penance
exhibited for repentance;
but in grace and mercy solely
it is found--salvation.
An angel chief--the precentor of heaven's
Unequalled choir--silvery and dulcet was his
Voice afore the throne of God and his fold;
Lovely and fair his appearance was to behold.
Hearken to him as he the King's celestial
Hymns leads that give adoration to his especial
Majesty, making melody along with the angels
Whole, while praising Jehovah in awe dwells.

But how soon would this angel change and be
Clothed no more in chaste grace and glory,  
Rather in pride and pity! I'm more than ye all
Who in paradise live. I'm the foremost of all
Beings. Who're archangels Michael and Gabriel
Compare to me, Lucifer, the only greatest earl?
I the highest and the best-- sovereign being--
That towers above Christ the Son begotten;
I'll even God usurp! I'm the most powerful
Here; the morn star that's blindly beautiful!

Haughtiness so into him entered as cupidity into
Judas. And began he to say things profane to
God his Creator, the Maker of all. And thus
War there was between the defector's caucus
And the Lord's host. Michael, who's the principal
Of warfare wherefore Lucifer--the evil cardinal--
Engaged. How fierce beyond a running pen
Was that battle unspeakble in God's holy haven
Seen betwixt the faithful and the rebel!
Yet good unflinching conquered the uprising evil
And cast Satan straightaway down unto the earth
With one-third of the angels from heaven's berth.
God that made
a smooth lad
Sighting her,
fair heaven--
the truth is--
I was smitten.
Of my enchanting lady
When eventually you heave that sigh
Of eternity out as thy soul (sink) high
Or (fly) below to Doom or Paradise
And thine transformed body is in a trice
Seen standing amidst a certain company--
There and then, be no remedy to a destiny.
First in creation that God did beget
First the everlasting life did he get
First at his Nativity the angels sang
And the twenty-four elders' bells rang

First in victory in Golgotha won
First his love on the cross shown
First his life sainted to sinners gave
And first resurrected he from the grave

First his feet upon the Foe's neck
First his dominion over the Wicked
First his power that dethroned the Enemy
And first in kingdom, dominion and glory
That fella to seemingly false gods
Giveth his entire devotion, worshipping
Carved and graven images and idols
Instead of the Lord Almighty in heaven.
Even the witches in their chosen coven
And Satan himself are to God bowing.
Idolatry filleth God's heart with sorrow
Like adultery bringeth to a home woe.
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