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 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
The place where all my dreams come true, where all my fears goes away, where all my life change in a good way was you my Cathedral
The Cathedral what change my life, my mind and my heart, the place what make me to love myself and to see myself in a beautiful way
Oh dear God thank you because you change me, thank you because you give me a chance to change my life and to bring good things in it.
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
I,ll do anything to be with you even if my love for you will **** my heart with such a pain
I wont regret anything, i wont regret my love for you because i know you for such a long time and i know that you,ll be with me forever, you,re presence and you,re love can,t broke my heart, it can,t **** me
I want to be with you and you to be with me, to love me and to protect me
I want to die in you,re arms and you,re eyes will be the last thing what i,ll see.
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
Dear Diary today i sow a man and i liked him
He penetrated me with his beauty, a beauty like a blooming rose
His smille is making me going Crazy
He take my hand and then i felt so safe
Oh dear diary i wonder if he is the one
I wonder if he is choice to be mine
When i was just a child i ask the stars where it could be my mate, the one with who i,ll spend my life and today i think that i find the perfect man what i was looking for my whole life
Dear Diary my only one friend the time will decide how my life will be going but untill that time will come please remain my friend forever
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
You are a knight in the silver armour and you,re castle is finding in the top of the mountains
Everyday you fight with the ******* who injured you and make you angry
But at the sunset you become a great king who cordonate the empire
Every night you watch at the stars and i know that you make them to shine for me
You make the moon to appear so big and i know that you do it for me because you love me
Everytime i,m going to bed i,m thinking bout you,re kingdom before i fall asleep
I wonder if i,ll ever come there to live with you forever
Oh my knight, my king i love you so much than sometimes its painful and it hurts so much
I dream bout you everytime with my open eyes
Sometimes i,m thinking that maybe i,m not good enough for you because i upset you so much but i can,t give up on you
I don,t want to lose you
I know that you,ll not leave me
Maybe we are so far from each other
Maybe i,m just a simple women and you a great king but that it wont change the love what we create in our hearts
You are a strong man and i,m just a weak women but weakness it wont distroy the strong love what i have in my heart for you
The book of our fairytale is just at the begining, THE END only time it will find.
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
Life can,t be a real life without hurts and suffer,s
The sky can,t turns blue untill the clouds has gone
Rainbow can,t appear untill the rain has stoped
A flower can,t bloom until the sunshine give her this power
So like that is in life too
You can,t live without this things in you,re life
If someone say that they didn,t have those things in their life,s it means that they don,t really live.
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
I,ll follow you everywhere you go because i only want to show how much i love you
I want so much to be with you
If you ask my hand i,ll put it in yours and you,ll never let me go
I just want you to know that i,ll never leave you anymore, this time we,ll be together forever
We,ll be there for each other day and night and for the restle of our lifes
I,ll be you,re bride and you,ll be my man
We,ll spend every moment together and i,ll grow old being with you, serving you and loving you
I love the way you love me and how you prove it every day showing me in every small thing you do
I love to think bout you
I love to be with you even if you make me to suffer sometimes
I know how much you love me, i see it in you,re eyes every day
I know that you,ll never leave me
I know that you like to be with me and to teach me new things
I love you my dear friend, mate and husband
I,ll love you forever untill the last day of my life
 Jul 2014
Allen Ginsberg
Drinking my tea
Without sugar-
    No difference.
The sparrow *****
    upside down
--ah! my brain & eggs
Mayan head in a
Pacific driftwood bole
--Someday I'll live in N.Y.
Looking over my shoulder
my behind was covered
with cherry blossoms.
        Winter Haiku
I didn't know the names
of the flowers--now
my garden is gone.
I slapped the mosquito
and missed.
What made me do that?
Reading haiku
I am unhappy,
longing for the Nameless.
A frog floating
in the drugstore jar:
summer rain on grey pavements.
        (after Shiki)
On the porch
in my shorts;
auto lights in the rain.
Another year
has past-the world
is no different.
The first thing I looked for
in my old garden was
The Cherry Tree.
My old desk:
the first thing I looked for
in my house.
My early journal:
the first thing I found
in my old desk.
My mother's ghost:
the first thing I found
in the living room.
I quit shaving
but the eyes that glanced at me
remained in the mirror.
The madman
emerges from the movies:
the street at lunchtime.
Cities of boys
are in their graves,
and in this town...
Lying on my side
in the void:
the breath in my nose.
On the fifteenth floor
the dog chews a bone-
Screech of taxicabs.
A hardon in New York,
a boy
in San Fransisco.
The moon over the roof,
worms in the garden.
I rent this house.

[Haiku composed in the backyard cottage at 1624
Milvia Street, Berkeley 1955, while reading R.H.
Blyth's 4 volumes, "Haiku."]
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
Dear love i promise that i,ll be with you
Oh my dear love i,ll think bout you
Dear love i,ll love you forever
Dear love i,ll grow old near you and i,ll spend the restle of my life with you
 Jul 2014
Joshua Haines
My dad dug his foot into my back like a shovel breaking soil.
If I do enough push ups, can I put a smile on your face.
If I move the earth for you, will meteors stop me.

I carried sparklers in my hands while cannon-kisses erupted in the sky,
and my cousin swore that I'd hurt myself.
But I explained to him that history repeats itself,
and that my hurt is unavoidable.

Like the hug of a grieving grandmother,
and the staring off into space,
as her tears stain my white oxford lie.
There's no way to get out of this place.
Finding new ways to live in death.

I don't want to be cool. I don't want to be cool.

And her fingers left a ******* on my back.
And my mouth melted onto hers.
I love her until my eyes **** in sleep.
And it's deep. And it's deep.

The swirl of the ceiling sank down
like a child being drowned by his mother.
And I missed my brother, and I missed it all.

I don't want to be cool. I don't want to be cool.
No, not anymore.
 Jul 2014
Helena Andrea
I look up and i see you,re eyes so blue just like the sky
No clouds arent in my life anymore, because i finaly discover you
I find the love what you have in you,re heart and i know that you have it for me
i miss you so much sometimes and i wish i can talk with you
Everytime i go in our special place i wish you could be there too
I remember how special is our love, you are my special gift
I wish so much to touch you,re hand and you,re hair
I feel so special when i,m with you, you make me feel so happy as no one does
In the darkest night when the stars shine on the sky i,m thinking bout you so much and i feel that you are with me even if i can,t see you
I feel you with me everywhere i,m going or no matter what i do
You bring a smille on my face every day even if i,m sad or no matter of my mood
I wish i could spend the eternity with you
I,ll do anything for you
You are the one who save me from hell
You are the only one with what i want to spend the restle of my life

— The End —