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 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
anger was tabooed to death.
but it never meant to hurt anyone
it only wanted to protect ....
After the funeral someone had to replace the  job.
after the burial of the emotion
depression moved into office
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
There's a nightmare in my mind

I don't see the world through ****** eyes
I see through  distorted lenses that  
make me blind to beauty and understanding

I hear through  biased ears that make me deaf to the music
of joy and love

I experience not what's out there but what's inside a misled mind....
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
it's like your mind is swimming in a labyrinth cave on the bottom of the's cold claustrophobic, feels like you your slowly running out of oxygen.
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
[inspired by Edgar miller's ["Turning River Street into a River"]

Worse than falling down

it's like falling in love

where even misconceptions are illusion

where falling through the hole painted on the ceiling is easier than you'd think

Falling flat through life with no intentions or regrets

poisoned  my soul with harsh belief

that existence could be so narrow, dark, and descending

Worse than falling up

 is falling flat.

So when you step off the last dead end of the world 

will you fall up, into the light, or

down into the dark?

For in reality, there is no such thing as falling flat
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
I don't trust anyone
because everyone looks like a ghost
These are not people that I see with my eyes.
Their interactions are surreal.
transparent phantom creatures floating by me, doing things I don't  understand
and  strangely being so busy about
I don't see the purpose of any of it.
I feel  disgusted and confused,
watching it all from miles away.

I'm no longer in the sea with all the other fishes.
I swam to the shore
and now I'm on my own island.
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
Immersed in a pool of pain
Head underwater
one forgets what oxygen is
Its a morbid kind of  funny you know——  how long someone can drown for
that after a while one forgets that one is drowning
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
I look in the mirror and I see a ghost
"Who am I?"
i Ask the ghost
The ghost shrugs  and turns away
 Jul 2014
Elijah Master
I’m afraid of the silence
because the silence is not silent
there are screams that don’t need to produce sound to be heard.
they howl in my brain
emotion trying to rocket through like steam from a hot tea kettle.
The pressure builds up
inside of me,
but the release,
the relief,
is nowhere in sight.

— The End —