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 Jan 2012
The They
When the sun goes down,
But does not take with it the weight of daily life,
I find my eyes looking up
To the lights that share their wisdom with my troubled mind.

Most days,
My mind finds times when it acquiesces to the struggle
Of the pressures that the world thrusts upon it,
But still it finds refuge in the stars
That shelter from the ever-shifting flow
Of the illusions that press on me to change.

Every night
When my eyes travel the infinity above my head,
I am freed from careless thoughts that drift aimlessly in my mind:
The openness of space greets me with its silent embrace.

Send me adrift around the stars,
Past the endless nebulas, planets and their suns!
Orbit me around the galaxies that stand indifferent to our human time:
A blink of an eye that's quickly forgotten in the infinite.
Up there I find myself as the calm that permeates the emptiness
As I feel all those careless boundaries peel away...
Send me into orbit because i feel so lost down here...
 Jan 2012
Jack Piatt
When I need to re-connect with the "Great Energy"
I put my headphones on and play "My Sweet Lord"
And the wind blows through my hair
In the living room
The tambourine thickens the beat of my heart
As the melody is busy baking pecan pie
In my belly
All the while I melt into relaxation
and my my ...
It is ever so sweet
 Jan 2012
nico pascual
The night is never really quiet,  
You hear the breeze even
as it shifts all around you.
It is the memory of the day
recalling all that has happened,
Nothing stirs. Memory ebbs.
No shuffling of feet, no voices
talking without speaking.
No traffic rushing up
and down the streets,
among the palm trees.

Absence keeps us alert,
with only certain things to hear,
The movement of the trees,
a slight tug of the waves
of thought, breaking on
the shore, only heard in silence.
 Dec 2011
Jack Piatt
The heat came down and the lies followed
Everything swallowed everything
Truth bled through pine
I pined to find
The kind of people
Growing things
Building on dreams
Being bigger than themselves
And the world turned sideways
For a second
And the essence
Leaked into the ether
We ate the fruit
And took a breather
Discovering truth
Most can’t see
Dancing dangerously
With destiny
Swaying softly
In a hammock blissfully
My dream
Within this dream
I buy it
My life
My rugged story
Wrapped up
Inside me
I close my eyes
And release
 Dec 2011
Jack Piatt
I'm not a product
I'm an abduct
To not be
or be
It's not a question
it's a statement
get the ****
out of the basement
become your own
don't run
face it
learn to embrace it
there's no wrong
or right
there's just tonight
if you don't fight
for the moment
then you're a prisoner
to the past

or you live too fast
on fast forward
to the future
then you have
no culture
no identity
just a picture
in an album
from the 80's
you know it's crazy
so stop the madness
eject the sadness
open the door
to a new
and in this
lies bliss
like an ******
incense stick
left burning
in your brain
one step closer
to sane
if you want
but you'll be back
this life is a circle
like a High School track
one day you'll
realize to stop
running around
and just sit down
on the bleachers
and soak it all in
that's the only way
to win
stop playing
start saying
goodbye to the lies
then blink blink
open your eyes
to finally
it's all
a disguise
for how simple
it all
really is
 Dec 2011
A L Davies
pigeons calling on the balcony
become unwitting poets
as their coos take the form
of haikus somewhere
in my third eye.
higher place
 Oct 2011
Gita Ashok
The present is the sand grains on the beach
and the past the sand in the receding waves.
Each sand grain awaits its turn
to be picked up by a new wave.
The present is the sprightly cascade
gushing down the mountain top
to merge with the flowing river
and the past is where the river meets the sea.
The present is the softly glowing candle
and the past is the molten wax around it.

The present is the moving hands of the clock
and the past is already gone, you see.
If the hands of the clock stop moving,
the present can yet never stay still.
For every present will soon have a past
And nothing in this world was made to last.
So let’s accept the present – the now
and cheerfully say to the past – “Ciao”.
Let’s live in the present
for it shall very soon pass.

Gita Ashok
24/10/2011, 1 pm
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