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 May 2014
yanci colon
Attempted infatuation
My life's narration
My Perfect persuasion
I Failed that occasion
Covered  lamentation
Stopped this invasion
Rocked with temptation
That Shines radiation
Forcing your nomination
Times conversations
Leads to sensation
Your slick evasion
Sets my soul to rest and
Puts me to the test....
If time is your love then all my time ill invest.
 May 2014
yanci colon
I need you to be patient while I try to remember
Infinite losses were made when I was born in September
I knew I've always been different in multiple aspects
No comas just a period next to the asterisk ".*"
I know I'm not crazy or even delusional
I've just been getting let down a bit more than  usual
I wish I could show you what Im willing to give on a separate occasion
It's hard summing up the losses and figuring out the equation
I know this poem sounds sad but it's really not
Im just trying to display what I've really got
This whole time I always believed my life had ******
But I swear until you first kissed me I never believed in good luck..

— The End —