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 May 2014
Joe Roberts
People take cover
at the capitol.
Unanswered questions.
Why ram
a barricade into
a luxury car?
A brief lock-down
as congress
unsuccessfully tried
to end the shutdown.
Stay away.
Arguably my first political poem, this is a found poem taken from the USA TODAY article, D.C. Incident's Motive a Mystery. Original article written by Kevin Johnson, Donna Leinwand, and Doug Stanglin.
 May 2014
Joe Roberts
Someone who looks so happy
in a big sunny field actually could think big,
could have anything, could have
riches, power, anything.
To be stupid, to be happy
in a big sunny field.
Actually, it's hard to argue with that.
Pretend you've got that now.
Could you wish for anything?
If you had a big sunny field to be in,
would you think anything,
riches, power, ANYthing,
actually looks so big
in the big sunny field you've got?
If you know the source that I used for this found poem then you're really **** to me. I'll give you a hint. It's about a tiger that's a sage.

— The End —