I'll never forget her face.
Our eyes met; both had butterflies
In our stomachs that had
Butterflies in theirs.
Teenage features made
My eyes softer from
Touching them with vision.
Smiling with every inch of
Herself; slightly protruding
Canines gave her a sense of
Wildness. An insanely
Beautiful wolf.
Mouth slightly open in
Centre at default.
Those lips that women botox
Themselves to achieve.
Angelina Jolie's half-sister's face.
I became a slightly different man
Like after a near-death-experience.
After three and a half years together
She still blows my mind.
I can watch her from a distance, and
Contemplate the way her skin seems
So thin over her collar bone that
You wouldn't dare even kiss it
If you could. That, and how I rest my
Face there every evening and thank
Whomever it May Concern
For it all.
I am a man with hungry eyes and
Beauty is my ******.
My own strengthening, inspiring,
Comforting -every-day-Heaven-