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 Mar 2014
Erin E Esping
The wind is calm
As it blows against face.
Soaring like a pilot
Who just received his ace.

The leaves climb down
At a very slow pace.
Until it hits ground
And finds it's true place.

Fall is the time of year we sing.
Fall is the time of year the bells ring.
Fall is the time for happiness and joy.
Fall is the time for sadness never more.

The kids are laughing
As they play in the sun.
Smiling and clapping;
Having so much fun.

The pumpkins are harvested.
So large and ripe.
And the wonderful moon,
Dances in the starlight.

Fall is the time of year we sing.
Fall is the time of year the bells ring.
Fall is the time for happiness and joy.
Fall is the time for sadness never more.
 Mar 2014
Erin E Esping
The air is cold and frozen.
The snow is climbing down.
And as I'm walking, I'm knowin'
The sky hold the winter crown.

The storm started upon the hill,
And crossed the many fields.
It topped the house; went through mill.
And all the victims went down to kneel.

My cheeks have changed to the color red.
And I can no longer see the path.
My body is shivering; my nerves on edge.
And in the white snow there is no math.

The air is cold and frozen.
The snow is climbing down.
And as I'm walking, I'm knowin'
The sky holds the winter crown.
 Mar 2014
Erin E Esping
I love spring.
With the frogs jumping
Upon lily pads.
With the wind blowing
Cool against my face.
Just so peaceful.

I love spring.
With the crickets playing
A colorful song.
With the sun being
A pretty gold.
Just so wonderful.

I love spring.
With the green grass
Soft against my checks.
With shooting stars
Soring in the night sky.
Just so brilliant.

But this spring was different.
The frogs didn't jumping
Upon the darkened lily pads.
The wind was blowing
But with a ugly stench.
Just so uncomfortable.

But this spring was different.
The crickets weren't even playing
A sad and lonely song.
The sun was red with anger,
Behind the dark clouds.
Just so much loneliness.

But this spring was different.
The grass was not green
And was hard under my feet.
And the sky,
Oh, the sky.
Was covered in clouds.
Could I not see
One star fly?

That spring was a silent spring.
For the only noises
Came from yourself,
And the factories
And cars that flew behind you.

Will we be forever stuck
In a silent spring?
 Mar 2014
Erin E Esping
Have you ever made a mistake?
I made one by the frozen lake.
I was just playing a game.

I sat there at the dock.
Like I was picking a lock.
When my friends finally arrived.

We took of our shoes like we had promised
And we stepped on the ice as the cold went through us.
Slowly walking on the ice.

The it happened with in a blink of an eye.
And I never even got to say good bye.
The just went down under one by one.

I went to the dock; my face full of tears.
I had no clue what was coming near.
As I cried and cried I looked.

And there they where; all my friends.
Standing there with cameras in their  hands.
It was just a joke; a plain old pun.
That was my mistake; going of that one.

— The End —