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 Mar 2019
ALRIGHT alright
let's pick up the pace
stop running start kicking and screaming
babies for babies made
ill make a master and monsters out of you

talk and walk the earth
eat soil die first please
you can call yourself the shots but take some
get in touch with my spirit zone, kiddos

you like shortcake? Have some!
eat that shuga' and poison your wellspring, ya you already knew
did you catch the new part?
peace at last
dead? real fast
haha that's awful
fast yourself silly baby
you wanna dance? How bout chocolate
overripe and overbearing take your sticks and break em
make a man and make a corpse
eat them quickly
before they burn...

black as night since the beginning
enough tough love and they roast like puddin'
you like that ****? Eat it too
give me a line and ill spit it in your drink, k?
Could you repeat that, maestro?
 Mar 2019
A new fad! Greetings, papa
I'm a family man with big intentions for identifying your discipline
a carnivore with laughing gas
feast yourself into vague sentiment
we stand like we matter
proud of what we barely conceptualize
do it because it's been done before
be it because we like our relished hot dog
melt the cheese onto that rotting bagel
again and again

speak like a willow tree groaning
ugly and underdeveloped
think before you end up in soil
rot before you know what your career choice is
it's important! to...

delve into subconscious matricide
creaking doorway is no longer an option
smash through paintings of feverish ventilation systems
architecture is not your best bet
neither is lentil soup!

Cauldrons of vehement muggers
ready to profit off your predetermined mistakes
funny thing is
you didn't need to eat that baking soda
but wow
all of you did

so what is the time constraint?
Where is the fabulous conclusion?
Meeting of the mind and body and spirit?
where we all come together, how precious
a little cramped and too sweaty on my bus
better make room for stencils and chalkboards
hey, at least they can teach!

I don't much enjoy the bass
I don't find it particularly heartwarming
brings a gleaming stick into my fossil fuels
trying to dig and bury at once
worked last time with a bow and arrow, cupid
shot him right through himself
 Mar 2019
Belting out the song title
like a whip on the back of a leopard
fur and flesh coalescing in the blow
it's never enough to bite the pain
we are never allowed to unite without brutality

you and all your kin are a summoning
a blessed pledge on a blighted center
a core of icicles
dripping with the most fundamental alienation
the reason for elegant plant life
the sole of foot of man

do not deny your part in the circle
the recycling of matter into dust
remember when you once did not recall
how to bend
and how to break
when all else was lost and never found

focus on me, now
forget about your bleak outlooks and the furnished beauty held up by loose string
with malice, you eat away at what might be unforgettable
summarize from united minds and shared moss
the grass and root are soon to follow

narcolepsy is not a sin!
chapels built on sliding rock will not collapse again
watery graves are not the home of the worshipper
pillared belief is not fate
polished uncertainty will not overcome
not on the ticking watch of those who never cared
or on the tickling watch of those who time forgot
neurotic and slept on
but sometimes my watch itches me...
 Mar 2019
Covered mountain steam
elk hiding in maroon quilts
bleeding dry beetle cracking under foot
divining a hot spot

garden and its civilized sprouts
your name under a flower, warden
resisting like spoiling eggnog
greedier than a fry cook ******* in a fresh battery
you try too hard to fissure, earth!
go grill a mammoth instead, like you used to
spend a decade in winter
three quarters of the year frigid without warning
another half day closing in on dynamite explosions
move rock fast! It's all part of this historic reckoning
I bet I could sludge through vapor faster than this

coiling around necks with ****** grasshoppers
you wreck the vision
demolish truck and worker with seeping fruit
orange is argumentative and smirking
defiant without law
turning back clocks in order to assemble without itself
smoldering in flame
I beseech thee
return the dagger into my flesh
it belongs with me like a medium
walk with wind in tandem
spurned onward to self-agonize
perpetuate your distance
eventual despair
in times of grace

you crumble too readily
like sands
you itch too regularly
like hands
you weep too messily

like mortar and pestle.
like the order that you wrestle.

engaged and contented
blatantly worth my while
winning was never so pitiful... (and pitiless!)
 Mar 2019
Horace went to the market
Horace stared
spoke, great time time again
we are waiting for that idea
spun along like a special Parcheesi deluxe edition board
you know what I like so lend me your board game
resist like a spoon and bend when the time is right
Don't judge me

cast out and stuck in like butter and salt mixture whoops I meant sugar
can it and bleed out we never cared
lying sack of potato seed doesn't bother to drop the logic
self-mutilation is my favorite type of joke
mustard will obviously not mind when we rip him around a bit ourselves
wait for it

don't needle yourself a pining hole
why bother when you have a negligent company that wants to forfeit its bills for lackluster groans
these ****** bore you
shouldn't they?

Keep a heavy hand when you hit your child
don't back down he deserves to be taught
speak in tongues when you tell him off
don't back down he knows well the lesson learned

ancient wisdom dictates idiocy on a regularly biased concern
you know very much for such a small god
I'd like to take you to lunch and bury your head in sand and malice

watch closely brother
you know how to spin the pine cone around on its head if need be
spelling bees and removing letters don't always mix
fabulous, right on, don't get me started, get back to the beginning

you know how to progress
it's like an old-fashioned butter knife
slice with fury and you'll taste like an antelope
grab it by my horns take it for two turnips and an orange berry

overall it's more of a begging session
I appreciate it if you would
I'm not exactly sure how
go ahead and mark your territory if you must
it's not so impressive
threats are dead if you love too much

let's move about the cabin and find some gems
we'll take them home. Just ditch the airplane.
 Mar 2019
Point proven!
nonsense babbling no longer
keep returning to fathomless depths
you never saw me coming

mark a warm place
stay in psuedo-light for a brief period
rearrange alphabets
condescend with participation
my words mean something!

crackling skyline
warring pipelines
signify nothing but burnouts and hippies
is that so?

Question me further
berate my epic tale
crunch my chocolate
smothered in fuel
create your distress
I expected no less
feed yourself whole
to the monstrosity's mincing bowl

canned tuna! canned tuna!
choke on canned tuna...
its pretty much disastrous and stale
we're just bellows of a giant white whale

and after it's done...
when exhumed and shunned
I'll eat my desserts endlessly
procession into frenzy

all desires now met
my people all kept
Heaven with Hell!
it's the best I can sell.
 Mar 2019
Nest of fellows
arguably more inclined
to do more harm than
the ex-wife's final remarks
before pseudo-suicide

Den of citizens
comparably less deceived
and less fallible than
our glorious senator's last yearning
in anticipation of regret

do as one does
and ye shall be reprieved
do as thoughts should
and ye shall be crucified
hope for man a flickering screen
white noise television

like hordes of bats
in white sky,
spoke my youth
lethargic and weeping
demonstrating lost causes and futile preparations
for a moment
or two...
so supreme and devastating

a calamitous set of expressions
one withheld and others withdrew
and now, ultimately
scabbed over

we would continue this place
we would forfeit our cruelty
our good intent
and our willpower
in order to cherish our Earth
and let ourselves sink back down into its sultry soils
once more, and then again.
And once more!
and then again.
Like a lion attack!
a million exploding suns
a million bubbles bursting
and then everything is done.
 Mar 2019
Peace rim, gristle in the kitchen
my next shot might not be my last
pour favors onto the glistening rain drops
gently clashing into the sparse winter snows
I foresee no escapade
just a magnet

this baton will smack them around
beaten senseless into severed souls
carver of the sandwich
separating lunch meat from processed bread
...and the rest of the ugly trimmings

not yours to invoke
not yours to comment upon, either
you look for it and find a trap
swoosh, there go the blades
into a void that smiles nicely!

Fond of your slaves?
A little too much paint on that black market
these are the melting
the fat and under-rated
both and another
unnatural selections
go back to your parents please, we don't need the obnoxious input
get out

I don't wait for it
I have been waiting for it until this morning
I don't sin  for you
I have been sinning without you for gracious families
that would rather dig themselves a ditch
to operate from
and plunder the treasure underfoot
surely there is something truthful down here
in the wet and brown
pink! at least
that a worm or something cuter?

Get on with your entertainment value
you made a whole season of this nonsense yeah I've been watching for months
can't get enough
you are a GAS, man
a cloud of toxic gas
and now I'm choking on it
 Mar 2019
Tall grass and famous landslide in Mississippi
it told me yesterday about your coming

architects from celibacy and bent horns from across the nations
they sang to me yesterday about your arrival

destroy the elite and build an underwater glass house with pharmaceutical shipments
negate the metal rust and shave it right off with lawnmower intact
grab onto musical instruments with reddening knuckles and hunting socks
don't wear out your hunting socks
before it's over
don't wear out your hunting socks

I do think it's good
I do repeat myself when under stress
I do watch for camcorders filming my last kitchen
I do enjoy parkour!
now one of them's a lie

now is a lie

bird watching paint drying reminiscent of the particular fetish for gallantry
acts of strange science fiction cause processes to get a little finicky and hardly noticeable
remember that time in college when?
Easily born from a roasting turkey
it's gonna be terrifying and unrecognizable by the time

question your stress and cheap luck, darlings!
Get addicted to anxiety and rotting perfume, schoolboys!
Odorous indulgence never occurs to frankincense
who is the turkey roaster himself in the flesh

five or six minutes will pass before some idea other than the following dawns on you
you and the reader here are not pawns
like chess, man, like chess
you got it, goat!

Best yet
hardly a challenge
do tell
as the crowd demands
 Mar 2019
Fed up with morgues
parks and dog trainers
edible treats and bone-in chicken
it's all for couches and their cushions

barking rabbi with ego intact
medical office is now my day care center
I don't work for a living I die
this is life with a cream filled center
not much there but sugar and a defiled purse
I keep my chickens in it
before they hatch

worship what isn't yours because something has it
tell yourself off as if it's self-inflicted
“I love ***” when it burns red holes in sandy memories
gel and collision crater
this belt hasn't whipped me in years

curve to an end like the S in the cloud
swarming like metal
swerving into control
meddle with the result and find that it isn't possible
you were meant to lose
you were built to fail

it's all good let's rationalize justice
peace isn't worms it's a civilized nation
the skeptics told us off a while ago
we listened and then drove through train tracks
tires blew out...

machinery defines you
it blasts its way past your order
it cripples your definition of love
it bombards your lasting effect
what isn't your life but a broken body part
glitchy and rarely utilized

I see them all and raise them a missile
too easy for me to defy
too worthwhile for me to exploit
I'll watch you do it
I'll smirk in crimson shades
best of all it wasn't mine...

never was
 Mar 2019
Heal my elite squadron boring
master my Johnny Depp shoes left to the middle god
eat my army of tedium and barking dog heads
I like taco bells

**** this trek across red wine vinaigrette
****** this sassy glorious anemone
massacre this right under the sun itself

Freddy likes to shop Freddy
you know what you know
Gregor likes to drop Gregor
you go where you go

change is the banhammer
drop out and come inside please for tea
skeleton is scooping my remains tomorrow
I would prefer a soda THANK YOU

nordic iceland is the place to find out
how to belt your kid
juxtapose a lying breed
put it with the bookworm and its seed

how many more minutes
how many more days
how many more aeons
will it take

just focus your gaze

— The End —