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 Mar 2014
Mr. Putin's opportunity

Please Mr Putin,
don't put the boot in;
hold back your forces,
from bombing & shootin'.

We know Russia's powerful,
fearless and strong.
We're expecting violence,
now prove us all wrong.

You've shown us your muscles,
now show us your mind.
Show us your heart man
then you may find;

People will listen
and show you respect.
Not just the hate
and the fear you expect.

Now is the chance
to Russia's great.
The hour is yours.
Don't leave it too late!

Briz 5/3/14
 Mar 2014
Last wish

The old guy lay in hospital, his family round the bed;
listening to his dieing wish
& this is what he said.

“I've always been a farmhand & mucked out barn & stable.
I've done my bit, at shiftin' ****,
to put food on the table.

You need to know, before I go, don't let me be cremated.
It's something I've thought long about
– a thought I've always hated.

Bury me by the cowshed, among the old bluebells.
There, let me lay, 'til judgement day,
amid the farmyard smells.

Yes, bury me under the dung-heap,
although it seems absurd.
Far better than cremation
-I wish to be inturd!”

Briz 6/6/13
 Mar 2014
From Animal magic/tragic

The old woman from the woods

The sadness in her eyes,
really came as no surprise,
as I stared at her, intensely, through the glass.

As countless have before,
she must find it such a bore.
Small wonder that she turned & showed her ***.

Does she stare back at mankind
& think, “What is it they find,
that draws them all to come & look at me?”

Does she think,”If we're so clever,
why does it never, ever
occur to us that she'd be better free?”

Briz 30/9/13
After looking into the eyes of a fully-grown, female
orang-utang. She was spread out, in a hammock-like
sling, high up in a pen, at Chester zoo. I was on a timber
walkway, enjoying watching the younger primates,
on the ground, below.
 Mar 2014
Al Zymer

Big brown boots on  big white feet,
clomping down the busy street.
People stopping, people staring.
Why do they care what I'm wearing?

Rough hands grabbing, I'm confused.
Shouting, swearing – not amused.
Sensibility has gone.
The boots are all that I've got on!

“Quickly, get him off the street.
Wrap him in this orange sheet.
He's cold and wet, in all this rain.
Poor old lad, he's gone insane.”

Back to nursing-home I'm trundled.
Wrapped in foil and roughly bundled,
in a cot, where here I lie
Wishing I knew – how to die.


 Mar 2014
Big Mama Africa

Poor Mama Africa,
Madiba has gone.
Remember his dream
& move forward, as one.

Don't let his dream
be put down & forgotten;
by the schemes of the greedy,
the rogues & the rotten.

Dear, big Mama Africa,
your beautiful indeed
and rich enough to give your children,
all that they need.

So why is there such poverty,
starvation and despair?
There's wealth enough to go around,
if everyone would share.

But those who can, horde riches,
far more than they  need.
Denying their own people,
with  selfishness & greed.

You must get together
and speak, with one voice.
Across the land, shout your demand;
unite and then rejoice.

Briz 9/12/13
 Mar 2014
An old man's farewell

Take my life, I'm knackered God,
unless you can restore it.
My kids think I'm a selfish sod
but they'll all soon get o'er it.

When they've sold up all my stuff,
they'll feel a lot less vexed;
so tell the world I've had enough.
I'm ready for the next.

I've tried my best, to edge my bets,
done what 'The Good Book' states.
I'm hoping there'll be no regrets,
when at The Pearly Gates.

I've had my share of good & bad;
I've had both tears & laughter.
So, see you later, don't be sad;
one day, in the here-after.

Briz 20/1/14
 Mar 2014
Blue-diamond blues

I wish they'd develop a ******-lite,
when you just want a cuddle,
In the middle of the night.

A tablet to stimulate
some warmth & affection
and not an assault
from a forced *******!

You could save the blue-diamond
for the odd weekend;
when the kids are away
or you've more time to spend.

And then, in between,
have ******-lite;
when you just want a cuddle,
in the middle of the night.

Briz 25/11/13  :)
 Mar 2014
A queer world**

My local pub won't do posh grub,
but sells beer from the wood.
You can't get wine nor cocktails
but the ales are all real good.

There's always sport, on the tv,
the wooden floors are bare;
so when two 'pretty boys' minced in,
they caused us all to stare.

Both had high-lights in their hair
and make-up, on their faces.
They ordered half a lager each
& two straight ***** chasers.

A quick look round however
and they soon made up their mind:
our rough & ready local
didn't cater for their kind.

But, as they quickly minced away
and off, through the pub door;
up spoke the bar-room know-all,
like many times before.

“An article I read, last week,
said ten percent are gay.
Not all of 'em dress-up like that
nor try to walk that way.”

Someone said,”Shut up, you fool.”
while we just kept on drinkin'
but what he'd said, stuck in  our head
and we began a-thinkin'

My mate says, “Watch the barman, Bob,
he wears a lot of pink
& holds his little-finger out,
each time he has a drink.”

They reckon Bill, who works away
and only comes in Sundays.
Goes in the cubicle to ****,
when wearing his wife's ******.

I know it's not conclusive
but I thought it pretty queer,
when Tommy took his wife out twice,
to see that Mama Mia.

Then there's Big Jack Smedley,
though he's muscular and manly;
he has his body waxed, each month,
by that hairdresser – Stanley.

The more we talked about it,
as we downed our beer & stout;
the more we realised,
that not everyone's come out.

We now accept that being camp,
is not the only way
and reckon that there's happen more
than fifty shades of gay!

Briz 14/6/13
 Mar 2014

The coffee’s hot, the ink is flowing;
The story seems to know, just where it’s going.

I’m only here to press the keys.
Don’t you love writing, on days like these?

The coffee’s cold, the ink’s dried up.
I stare, in silence, at my cup.

I haven’t yet disturbed the keys.
Who’d be a writer, on days like these?


Briz 29/10/2010

— The End —