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 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Away from the things you love.
From all things above.
Keep yourself safe.
Keep yourself away from your grave.
Escape now and forever.
Don't get lost wherever.
It's a matter of survival.
There won't be a revival.
It's your only way.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
I abandoned my heart on the roadside.
I left it along the way.
It bled my blood.
It oozed day by day.

I abandoned you to die.
I left you over there.
For you to suffer.
I didn't much care.

I abandoned faith and hope.
It flew away with my humanity.
You made me give up.
I think I have lost my sanity.

I took so little to abandon everything I came to know.
But it takes so much for me to get the things I want to know.
It is just the way life is.
It is the way I grow.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
It all starts to come.
All the emotions.
All the feelings.
Feel that hot burning feeling.
See those teary eyes.
Feel the sensation of hurt.
Then you can't stop it.
The water works just come.
And yet I see myself enduring it all.
Just to come out alive.
Just to survive.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
It isn't just a word.
It isn't just something that people say.
It isn't whatever you are thinking it is.
It is a diss.
It is a sign of dismay.
It is a sign I dread.
Don't dare say it to me.
Don't dare mouth it.
Don't you dare.
For it hurts.
For it pains.
For it does things that you wouldn't expect.
For whatever isn't the whatever you expect.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Out my window,
I see the world.
The way things work.
The way people go.
Out my window,
I see the world.
Not just about materialistic things.
Not just things of the norm.
Out my window,
I see the world.
I see the many lives go by.
I see the many hearts beat.
Out my window,
I see the world.
The fantasies that play in everyone's heart.
The dreams that are made in their lives.
Out my window,
I see the world.
Look with me.
Stay by me.
Out my window,
I see the world.
As things go by...
As things live on...
Out my window,
Look out there.
Out my window,
I see the world!
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Stupid isn't just a word.
It is me.
I feel stupid.
Stupid for all the things I don't know.
Stupid for all the things that I don't get 'cos I'm stupid.
I'm stupid and the rest of the world isn't.
Where is my place in life for a stupid little girl?
I don't know.
Help me find my place.
I feel stupid.
Call out to me to rejoice for I am smart.
But I still feel stupid.
Inside I do
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Sweets aren't just things of heaven.
They are things of hell.
They turn you into sinners.
And not only do they give you more weight,
They **** you slowly inside.
They aren't just little candies that please one's soul.
They are little devils that slowly tear you apart.
See their effects on all little children.
As they devour you bit by bit.
You are left to suffer what you did.
You are left in scraps to save yourself.
How do you save yourself?
I really don't know.
Face the music.
**** yourself.
Or just sit and wait.
And look at it this way,
It all starts with just sweets.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
My heart beats for you in constant motion.
It sings a sweet song of silent devotion.
You hear me crying out at night,
That prayer of your bright light.
There's a ring around you that keeps me out
But I'll break through it without a doubt.
So many words that I can say,
This love grows deeper every day.
It's like a labyrinth of emotion,
Searching for divine seclusion.
Billions hold your heart
But you're the only one who holds mine.
All I hope for is that final moment.
That last glance.
That ending revelation.
That night we set our lives entwined.

— The End —