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 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Was there a time we would never see?
Was there a time we would always be?
Was there a lie that was true?
Was there a lie of us two?

Were there pictures of my memory?
Were there songs that went happily?
Were there words for my emotions?
Were there letters of my devotion?

What was between the lines?
What held those tight binds?
What made me give in?
What made you give up?
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
In the wee hours of the morning,
I sit here on the terrace,
Watching the morning dew form,
Revisiting times long ago.

This town has had enough of me,
I'm packing and leaving pretty soon.
Start anew in some big city,
Or get lost along the way.

Finding myself always gazing up at the night sky,
Or reaching to touch the rain.
These things don't suffice anymore,
For the big dreams I want to achieve.

It's time to say goodbye
'Cos I won't be coming back.
There's more for me out there
So I'm leaving this behind.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Take my hand
And I'll show you the world
The colours all around
The sights and sounds
I'll bring you on a journey
That you'll never forget
It'll stay with you forever
It'll change your life
It'll move you
'Till you see the world in a different light
I won't give in without a fight
Just take my hand
Just take my hand
Just take my hand tonight
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
The temperature's rising
The beat's on high
Hello, goodbye
And back, again

There's no point stressin'
Just let it burn
My minds on haywire
My heart's on fire

Like writing in the sky
As if I could fly
Fly free and up above
Fly away and save the day

Running on ecstasy
It's plain pleasure
Holding on
Letting go

Hot dancing
Loud singing
Crazy partying
Come on to the dance floor
And let's go again
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
First bite,
It's nice and sweet.
Second bite,
It's a done deed.
Third bite,
I want another.
Fourth bite,
I've reached the center.
Fifth bite,
It starts to taste funny.
Sixth bite,
It's gonna get ugly.
Seventh bite,
I'm long gone.
Eighth bite,
I'm all done.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Days on days,
Years on years.
I find myself asking,
Over and over again;
Screaming the big question,
Who am I?

Am I the killer,
Who bears the knife,
Or the victim,
Who has no more life?

Am I the nightmare,
That scares you out loud,
Or the dreamer,
Who's on a cloud?

Am I the hater,
Who has no more passion,
Or the lover,
Who's searching for that one companion?

Who am I?
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Incision into the flesh;
It flows from needle to vein.
A murky river of darkness.
A never-ending cloak of pain.

Sorrow fades away
As it fills the skin.
Replaced by numbness
From within.

Ingrained, it stays;
Nothing erases it away.
Like acid, it scars;
Cutting deeps with every sinful day.

It seems as if it's poison
That trickles through the blood.
Ever free yet freedomless
Like a black-marked card.

The flipside of it all is hidden;
Small things in the details.
Look closer and see
What, in reality, it entails.

True fact shows pride
Of the work it has made.
Beauty to the beholder;
Heaven to the dead.

It lies in perspective,
What you see that's there.
A blessing
A scare?
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Portent remembrance of a disaster
Brought about one's life
Shaking the mere foundation
Of a broken heart
Wounds that would never heal
Tears that would never dry
Maybe it was a dream
A far, far distant dream
Hoping silently it would all come back to me
Jollification just a stretch away
Yet as if it were all impossible
Trying to remember those sweet times
Having you utter those words again
Wanting to drown myself into a sea of happiness
Holding what's left that I know of you
Being that fragile soul
I can truthfully say
You will live on
In remembrance
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to.
Like the calm before the storm.
The serenity
Just before the catastrophe.
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to.
Whirlwind of emotions,
Or indolent tranquility.
Despite the calm and still water,
I'll still brace myself for the calamity.
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to.
Experienced a full frontal confrontation.
Lived out my life-long wish.
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to.
A crashing of tides
*** watered manifestation.
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to.
A diamond that sparkles in the center.
A whole with split personalities.
Being here has been the greatest place I've ever been to
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Your eyes are bright tonight.
There are worlds out there you know not of,
Galaxies beyond the light.
You watch over your progeny,
With every last dying hope
And forever you shall stay
Infinite at your best.
You ground is walked on by the most devout,
Valour and courage
All throughout.
War rages on your doorstep
And yet nothing gives you in.
Prosper, you shall,
For it is the only way.
We will come back for you.
We will come back again.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Your cloudy sky diminishes the moon.
A flicker of accuracy crosses the night,
Piercing the heart too soon.
The pact is broken.
The war goes on.
Surrender lies lifeless
On the blood-stained skin.
Your weapons are great,
Your warriors are strong,
On them you place an infinite trust.
Fanfare of trumpets,
Revelry and merry-making.
Victory is welcomed
Yet death is eminent.
Your dear king breathes his last breath
And falls wordlessly into the abyss.
The dawn of a new age arrives.
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
Shattered glass sprayed out across the floor
Bloodstains on the door
Splinters like rain
A scene that will drive you insane

The story's hard to tell
The reason to how I fell
Empty search for an alibi
No giving in to the lie

Let the tools do the killing
Let the heart do the healing
There's a fate that needs sealing
An embrace full of feeling

Reach to the core of it all
Read one of the centerfolds
Tell me what you see
'Cos I see everything

A piece of framed art
A story with heart
Souls in unity
Love in solidity
 Oct 2017
Janine Tan
The sun's nice and warm.
The sand's full of shells.
The wind's in my hair.
The water's clean and clear.
The salt's in the air.
The shore is all I hear.
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