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 Jan 2019
Kev Harlequin
We'll never be one;
we'll never see eye to eye.
And I'm not being pessimistic I'm just stating the facts.
The fact is that we talk a lot of unity and love
but nobody sees it when we act.
Politics mistaken for race;
Race looks like religion.
Religion is self centred
And in the centre of it all is an empty space.
Why are we even fighting?
 Feb 2018
Kev Harlequin
I remember the echoes of my father's voice in my head like the estate horn that blows at 6 in the morning,
"I want you to be all that I couldn't," he said. In my heart the desire to please was yearning.

As I evolved from a boy to a man, in my mind a solid plan,
Toiling day by day with melanin rich hands, while my brethren with fists I'm the air reach to pull me under envious sands.

They fight with all their might to bury me,
Feeding me terrible lies about the keys to prosperity.
While secretly our brothers from another land hold each other hand in hand,
Prejudice and bigotry their strengths as they establish their white-wealthy communities,
While we as blacks rage war against each other with our slavery mentalities.

Oh! When shall we be free?
 Aug 2017
Kev Harlequin
Skin covered in sin colour,
Bullet in the head of a young brother,
Screams and tears from his dear mother,
And everyday the Five-O kills another.
 Jul 2017
Kev Harlequin
As the rain comes down on my window pane,
I took a look at the world and I could see the pain,
I could feel the pain!
They need a change,
So I'll be the pill that could ease the migraine.
 Jul 2017
Kev Harlequin
You're going to need a lot therapy if you try to step into my mind,
I'll shut the door in your face, fool,
I don't have time.

Wasting my time with with your speculations,
Steady trying to put death in my destinations,
Little child you're not a man,
you'll never understand,
I got whole wide world chilling, icing in my hands -cold world.

Never will you knock me off my stand,
You need a better plan.

All you haters can try again.
 Jul 2017
Kev Harlequin
I'm sorry for lying,
I'm sorry for trying to convince you I wasn't dying,
I'm sorry for letting my depression get so bad that my smiles blinded your eyes from mine to see I was crying.

Crying for peace.
Crying for silence.
Crying and wailing on the floor of my mind-dungeon trying to hide the marks of violence.

These scars on my soul tell a story,
These stars up above get the glory.

Because they listened as I poured my sorrows on them,
The dark sky eventually became my best friend,
The cold nights would wrapped me in their arms and then,
I'll become numb to fact that I'm near to my end.
I'm sorry again.

— The End —