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 May 2017
William Sexton
My mind is a mess
Racing, pounding and tearing at its self
Tell me I’m not insane
If my memory serves
I’ll forget in time
Coming to the same conclusion
Yes, functionally insane
But insane none the less
Forcing myself through the same broken cycle
On auto pilot
Expecting different results
Because I have to believe
Things can’t turn out the same
It just isn’t sane to think so
Is it?
Am I a weak soul driven by a strong will?
Or a weak will possessed by a strong soul?
What forces me on myself in this way?
 May 2017
William Sexton
I love a ghost
She waxes and wanes like the moon
Sometimes fading into nothingness
Till I am left alone
Wondering if there was ever someone there at all
But she always returns
She haunts me
Following my body, and my thoughts
And even in our closeness I fear the next fading
The void that still sits between us
The chains that bind us are cast between realms
Holding me to a world that is not my own
Twisting my flesh into place
Leaving my mind, spinning behind me
In these moments of insanity
I wonder
Who’s really the ghost?
Or I?

— The End —