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 Jan 2016
All I has: tight.
My life.
Hard times,
Are ****** up.
If us, he, we; be light.
ok - are ill i?
"*****, we gon' be alright."
"Na, we gone."
Ego light.
Hear me, eel? Web right.
feel me?
recognize you. look in at me. or he.
Bind my side. We look in at you; from the ace. Own
11 with the ***. Own
mind, you, my life.
On me in the light.
What? ***** and jamin' is the highlight.
Well, I love herb. is what I like.
Or now, 20 of i, he.
Tall to come and get. In everything I sow, my arm.
Heave; no -- hear.
So my cord and my mother, king, can stand in silence
for the record.
the world I know is too late.
A girl think? Cray.
A fight, my vice. Day
Won't you please lie when I say?
Now, been hurt, been ow.
Pride? low, look in at he, world. "here we go."
Ate, ill, us in the street.
Mat each door.
Knee get weak; gum blow; we gon' be light.
What you want?
40 acres and i?
Hinge my name. Mad?
Other, you can live all
the evil, I can tell it. I know. It's ill.
Don't think about it, deposit. very hero.
Kin of my partner, the candy. paint it. he regal.
Dig my pocket, profit. Big enough? to you.
day, my logic. Get another doll just to keep you
In the presence. Your chic.
Id, talk about it. Be it. I see cool.
I got it then, now. Reach.
Shut the back.
I'm black, on track and rest assured.
My rights. I write. I'm right.
My head high,
eat and hope.
In me is complicated.
light and you: favorites.
Remember? You was conflicted.
Using you sometimes. I did the same.
Sing my power.
Sent me into a deep depression.
Found myself. Scream in the room.
I wanna self destruct. Evils was all around.
So I went runnin'.

*this poem is an erasure poem. erasure poetry is a form of poetry created when existing words in a text or work are erased, and remaining words are the poem. for this erasure poem, i used the lyrics of Kendrick Lamar's "Alright"*
 Feb 2014
Name of the world: to provide a lifetime of possibilities.
Established in sort, we reinforce our comfort.
Off full living, we all, unify, travel to new comfort in the familiar; bring you the most of today.
time you need.

The sort of peace; the view at center.
Plants sort or west rest?
Chance: We also have rough states.

But, we are more.
Cats strive to cat.
Share loved ones and future eras, memos and cats
will last a life.

This was fabricated from an article about a vacation getaway.
 Feb 2014
Is anyone out there?
Did you know that I'm a little embarrassed?
Even just one human being...

Of course,
you add all kinds of delightful things.
But me, I just taste pure; sweet; simple:
The way I have been known when no one is looking.

You need extra convincing.
downer, and over the course of 5 days, Ocean.
don't let you be a hero and rescue.
EXTRA: I have worked so hard.  Thanks.
Who make it possible?

This is an erasure poem from an article about cranberries.

— The End —