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 Mar 2014
White skies are canvases of the Earth.
Black birds jolt out of the trees, leaving footprints on the wind.
Pink, blue, and purple blotches stretch out onto the sky as night approaches.
The cold wind sings a lullaby as the streetlights flicker on and a cop car wails in the distance.
Everything is still.
Quick. Memorize this moment before it VANISHES.

((circa 2012))
 Mar 2014
Can't you hear the wind whispering your name in the breeze?
The elongated arm of the tree reaches out its fingers, them curling back and forth, as if to say, "Come here."
The dark branches look like skeletal hands against the pink-white sky.
The leaves are like autumn confetti, sprinkled around the roots.
The trees look anorexic; hungry without the leaves.
Soon, they will be filled with the cold relief that is winter.

((One written a while ago...))
 Feb 2014
The rain hit the windows like wet
trying ever so hard to break through the glass.

 Feb 2014
Raindrops ricochet off my umbrella, sounding like muffled applause; Mother Nature is clapping, amused by the fact that people are hiding from her marvelous creation.


— The End —