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 Sep 2016
Desire Kateyera
I really don’t want
People to know
That I always long for you: mum

Long gone in 2003
A day before my fourth birthday
I long for you ma
You are the best person whom I’ve ever known
I love you
But never had showed you

I thank you for your love
That you showed me
For only a few years
I don’t blame you ma
God never gave you the chance
It’s His own wish
He wanted me to be termed” an orphan”
I’m sorry to say this

I only have three individual photos of you
And only one where you have your bro.s and sisters
But where are my siblings?
I don’t have!!
God never gave you the chance
Why you ma.? Why??

Stabbed in the heart I was
You turned a knife inside my heart
And you still do
But though dead
I love you.

— The End —