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 Jun 2016
Here I am, kneeling to you my king,
I will speak the words of truth,
For the price of your crown,
oh what a marvelous thing,
It being embedded with diamonds and gems,
I suppose the one most important disappeared from your hands,
What is a king without a queen?
Behind every great man is a woman,
Oh, I am a man of many tastes and signicant means,
But I value something more than gold,
I value this more than the widest of seas and the shinest of sunsets,
I have not taken her away from you,
You yourself have pushed her away,
Is it when she is away that you then value her most?
Such pity I have on your soul,
For a man of stature, I'd thought you know better than so,
That it is not a king that makes a kingdom,
That being free does not equate to freedom,
I do not desire your riches and gold,
I wish you to learn from this story being told,
That to have her back, you must step down,
Now please do so and hand over the crown
 Jun 2016
Stick out your hand,
Allow your words to speak loud,
Come forth to my stand,
Speak the words of truth,
And you will be compensated with loot,
Speak the words of lies,
And you will be compensated with loot,
For when I see your face, through your eyes I will have received my proof
I value all humans the same,
Some are ****** and unchanged,
Stubborn to their self-serving ways,
I will not judge you for your mistakes,
I might sit amongst this throne,
But that is not my place,
I am a simple man,
I give you my hand in the act of trust,
I bestow this upon you and all my people,
For you will be relinquished by God’s love,
Even when a man of power can not make you change,
There is hope in your guilt,
A plague in your greed,
That when you have all that you want, you’ll never have what you need
I ask of you to speak words of honesty,
For we were once that of the same status
I was once like yourself,
I plead,
There is no time to wait,
For the words you speak now have worth,
Unravel your mind my fine sir,
Tell me the whereabouts, where have they taken her???

— The End —