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 May 2016
Frankie Newton
Leave it all on the floor
your blood
your sweat
your tears

Leave it all
your hopes,
and dreams

bare your soul
in all its awful ****** glory

take everything

every cry of exhaustion
of pain
of fear
of disappointment

whatever they throw at you
take it
to be great is to risk weakness

a thousand-fold
every movement
every effort
every waking moment

in stark defiance
of insurmountable odds
of a defeat that seems destined,
of odds against.

Regret is for tomorrow
and this moment

 May 2016
Frankie Newton
I have looked up at you
up above where you lie
Idolizing you

You have been my muse
pushing me, to heights
never before reached

But now as I rise
above and beyond
I aim

To achieve the unthinkable
to rise higher and higher
So that one day

You will look up to me.

— The End —