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 Jan 2014
I didnt lose
i had nothing to
i didnt believe i would
because nothing seemed to
Nothing! believes in me

Be it the Belief of everything
except that i dont exist
and everything in midst
I stand, but they say
i dont see the right way
but tell them
that way doesnt exist

No! neither does your God
neither does the abode
in which you live
not the people you believe
None! None! None!
I am alone
But then again i am not
I am here to rot
Oh! but i am not!
I dont exist
I am ceased
Since i wasnt deceased

But i dont exist!
I dont exist!
 Jan 2014
What's forever?
the end of time?
or just to say never and sublime,
emotions and hopes
to merely extend chokes
that are stuck as words
in our chest, which heard
the intersection of time and life
the meeting of joy and strife

Would forever mean, a few days which pass
Or does that flip too, along with the hour glass
Does time change, and does forever happen in time
is forever beautiful like a rhyme
or poetry which align
in the edge of my mind
which i shall write forever
Until forever i find
what i forever looked for
 Jan 2014
You all must be social
because you judge
without knowledge
My first 10 words poem in a while, hope you like it
 Jan 2014
You cannot tell a word to its meaning
until it is felt in to the brain,
and turned into sound.
Only to make it more worse we
say things we should hear,
instead. Like "thank you"s
and "sorry"s

The oceans are, if not, the wails
in words of the earth alone.
Perhaps explosions of asteroids in far space
are just wails of the universe.
Wails, sobs and cries
Are words only to describe
But the question stands
and might be unanswered
are words hollow or
are they weighted?
Spoken Word Poem

— The End —