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 Aug 2016
I'd love to have an adventure
To different worlds where my heart can fly
To different worlds where my heart desires
And will be remembered until I die.

I'd love to have an adventure
Along with my precious pen
And write down all the things I've witnessed
And read it all again.

I'd love to have an adventure
Through the darkest part of the forest
And meet the greatest beasts
And see who is the toughest.

I'd love to have an adventure
Through the deepest part of the sea
Where a place I can find peace
As if there is no living creature but me.

I'd love to have an adventure
Where mysterious mountains hide secrets
Then I'll climb to its toppest part
By ignoring the chirping crickets.

I'd love to have an adventure
Where I can be my fullest self
Together with my loved ones
And finish the books on the shelf.

I'd love to have an adventure
With my eyes that is sharper than knife
I'll face my battles, brave and humble
Until I get to the Everlasting Life
 Mar 2016
Miss Grim
I live in the night sky
And float along the Milky Way
My lovers are comets passing by
Whispering Words as they run away
icy hearts with tears of fire
Wishing they could stay
To the moon I do confide
My dreams of love and life
She unveils to me her darker side
And I help her through the day
She weeps as she pulls the tide
With dawn she comes undone
She speaks of her forbidden love
As we glimpse the burning sun
We retreat into the dark abyss
Every time the daylight comes
Cloaked in the darkness
To fatigue I do succumb
I make my bed amongst the stars
And bathe in the Big Dipper
I lay my head just past Mars
My mind rests a little quicker
Wrapped in a constellation
I kiss the moon goodbye
My heart is in complete elation
My home is the night sky.

— The End —