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 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
MLK Day poem.
January 16, 2012

It speaks as if rainbow was a color.
A prism pyramid, built by a union of bricks.
Brick by brick, it stands, a structure, with the purpose to deliver a message.
A message as simple as that it stands there, as a structure.
A message, which promotes we, over she, he, it, they, or them.
It stands at the door of indifference.
It lies asleep, in an enclave of humanity's mind.
Awaiting its great awakening, the rainbow has always been there.
But no matter how much you may search for it, only we can find it.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Song in My Head
March 2, 2013

It’s a song that I try to write over and over and over again.
These tiny finger tips touch the pen cap and click, click, click, click.
But this paper just stretches too far to fill.
And this process refuses to start, until it doesn’t feel unreal.

I want you to see my vision.
Not enough to bring to life
Your reflection in the mirror.
A lifeless portrayal is the only way I could hope to get you right.

You are the song in my head.
And that’s okay.
I sing it every day.
I sing it just to show it and also so you know it.
That hey, hey, yeah that’s okay.
I’ve been singing this song, all along.
Just to get to you.
Because this is our song.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Perfect Poem
December 29, 2011

I look at you and tell me what do I see.
A pair of eyes, nothing else, ‘cause I can’t stop looking.
I think about how much I need you home.
Laying in bed, my arms around you.
Tell me, do you go to sleep, and dream of me too?
You make me want to write a perfect poem.

It needs to sound like a song.
It should last as long, as I want our love to.
You could listen to it once, or as many times as you can do.
It gets me begging to get the chance to kiss you.
My heart gets heavy, you make it feel full.
I was lost in my emotions, but baby, then I felt, your pull. oh.

And when I’m there beside you,
Everything feels so peaceful, I could fall asleep.
Let’s create more moments I’ll want to keep.
Each time I see you is special, it all becomes brand new.
We’ll cuddle as I whisper, “I’m so glad we met.”
That first night was one I’ll never ever forget.
This is a lyrical poem set to the tone of Vanilla Twilight by Owl City.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Unfinished poem.
August 11, 2012

Is anybody out there?
Can anybody hear me calling?

I'll throw my tears in the sky
to create a light
for those of you who understand
to hear my plight and take flight.

Please ascend for the sake of my defend!
My pride loses its will, and continues to bend.

Someday I'll finish this poem.
When I've built my home
- whatever it may be.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Stretch My Arms out to you
July 14, 2012

My arms can stretch farther now.
I can almost reach my father somehow.
I've come so far but have more to go before I bow.
I still love my life, as I reflect and think, "wow."

Some friendships have a shattered surface.
But nothing's perfect.
I take pride knowing its all been worth it.
Yet I can't help feeling nervous.

My memories, I paint them blue.
To help remind me of you.
I dedicate my talents to the shadow.
Of what kept me feeling so hollow.

A picture of the moon is an ideal symbol.
I want to touch down on the Earth after my great ascent.
It will someday be the destination to which I went.
Once I've demonstrated I'm capable.

One day I will stretch my arms out to you,
While I stand on the moon.
And you will receive me.
Whether I am a shadow or blue.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Summer Heat Poem
May 24, 2012

Man, this Summer heat has got me beat.
got me thinking how I wish some Winter snow would show.
That's when I look around the corner.
see an ice cream truck come to bring me something sweet.
There seems something 'bout this day outside, where the hot continues to make more heat.
But I stand out on the ever-so-thirsty lawn, I say it could use a good mow.
take off my shoes, pick up my trusty, rusty, old waterhose.
Walk around, let the crisp blades of grass wiggle through my toes.
Next comes my trip to the pool - pour on lotion - summer clothing.
instead of hot *** bikinis or trunks pieced together by string.
No sunburns for me!  I'll gladly skip out on the red, awful sting.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
These Words Poem
May 6, 2012

It's these words I just don't understand.
Whether I write them, recite them, or strategically place them in some plan.
Words come together, and they seem to make sense.
But these words I write are light, while in my mind, they feel dense.

There needs to be something more to these words,
than a pen, paper, and my fingertips' push forwards.
In order for these words to be present full force.
So I won't have to settle for this mind to material divorce.

I throw more words out to test,
but keep losing my best,
in an attempt to show the world what these words really mean.
So that somebody else can finally see what I've seen.

At long last, when my words ceased to come out,
I said nothing, suffering from the drought.
Suddenly a thought struck me; a single word stood out the most.
The word thought was more important than these words, for it was their host.

These words weren't meant to describe a thought.
Their meaning wasn't something that could be taught.
For these words are designed for a thought's deliverance.
But are only a small part of the thought's whole experience.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Wish Each Day
April 17, 2012

Ups and downs these days.
Fill up my life, a haze.
Summer craze will just leave me dazed,
but no, I can't be phased.
Nothing can just be simple, in my sorry life,
Everything has gotta be complicated, so tell me what's the hype,
When I just keep getting stressed out.
Takes my head from the clouds, covers it in doubt.
'Till then, forget my worries and my strife.
Just wish each day, for something out of the blue.
Someone to come along, make everything new.
That one day my life will change, it'll be when I finally find you.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Tragedy from a Distance is Still Tragic
February 21, 2012

I heard what happened.
But not from your note.
Earlier, I already knew.
I felt it intuitively as your world blackened.
I was far away, overseas on a boat.
But that didn't matter, our bond penetrated the distance through and through.

WHY couldn't you let me be there for you?
I'd show you my feelings were true.
I'm sorry lately I'd been so blue.
Now I know you had been too.

It just seems so unfair.
That you made yourself go alone.
WERE'NT we supposed to be a pair?
You could have at least told me goodbye over the phone.

I'm stuck feeling lost.
Not sure what I should do.
This life has become tragic.
This space between us has become too much.
To see you again, I know comes at a cost.
So just you wait - I'll be right beside you.
I have this one last shot to make some magic.
I'll leave this miserable world as such.

Here's to eternity.
As a worry free entity.
As long as you're with me, I can smile, happy.

I'll ditch this feeling so sick.
In one fleeting moment so quick.
Yet I can't shake this suspicion that forever, I'll remain,
In case if you couldn't tell, this is a poem about a man who is away from his lover on a trip.  While he is away, she commits suicide and leaves him a note, but he intuitively knew what had happened, as it was unraveling, even though he was miles away.  Then, almost as if it were a scene from Romeo and Juliet, he considers killing himself to be reunited with her, alluding to the use of a gun.  But in the end, he realizes that even if he were to escape this harsh dilemma in his mortal life, he would still be stuck, just eternally in his spiritual life. My interpretation of the term, 'tragic.'
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Victory with Triumph
February 10, 2012

Victory with triumph.
It leaves a pleasant taste in my mouth.
A thought so cool and kind.
That I succeeded,
a testament to humankind.

I can appreciate the moment.
For, for now, it's all that is on my mind.
I have finally had my chance to shine.
And so, from now own, I will show the world,
this talent that is mine.

I'll write a poem for every occasion.
I will read it to my friends.
And each poem will further serve to mark today.
As a great day for the literary world,
for I have finally made my way.
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Death is not pleasant.
February 4, 2012

I bear a pain so deep.
It creates a hole in my chest.
Teary eyed, I can't sleep, can't rest.
These feelings so steep.
I can't help but digress.
This is stuck with me,
for the rest.
of my life.

A death, a painful memory.
Oh, how you were so close to me.
Even though I'm not there,
I feel like I'm watching you walk away from me.
Slip out of my grasp.
My voice is growing rasp.
I can't talk, can't breath, can't eat, can't feel.
Anything but my heart ache and my layers of strength peel.

I haven't felt this hurt in a very long time.
Watching your condition climb.
From better to worse,
up and down we go.
Something I couldn't know.
Is how much it would hurt to watch you go.

How do I move on?
How can I let this be a phase?
Something to move past,
Just a temporary daze.

I just can't stand this pain,
even though I knew it all along.
This is not a happy song.
But a reminder of the good times gone.
Oh, how I long.
For your sweet embrace.
Your pleasant stories' tastes.
Life feels like such a waste.

To be given to the young,
Yet flung,
far away from the deserving ones.
Death's battle has been won.
You're just another one.
A casualty, to feelings so salty.
My tears pour and run like the sea.

How can I continue to be me?
When you were such a part of me.
It's like I am a tree.
With its roots sawed off.
Dying with a nervous cough.

It's enough to see you wither.
It's enough to see life waste.
It's enough to know there's no tomorrow,
for you, or your warm embrace.
I just can't stand to let you go.
Or even to know.
I'm so sorry to see you go.

I love you,
and I want you to know.
That I'll never forget you.
Even when I'm old.
And it's my turn to be told.
That it's time to go,
not allowed to say "No."
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
January 26, 2012  

I been swaggin’ while the haters keep raggin’.
But they goin’ nowhere, pants saggin’.
I knock ‘em down one by one, black baggin’.
I ain’t got time to join ‘em, I just run ‘em over with my wagon.

But look, now by the time that I’m through,
Its like there’s been a demolishing crew
If you think you can cross me.
Yeah if you try to come hurt me.
I’ll take every single dollar, and every last cent.
I’ll **** up your ****, I don’t show mercy, no repent.

I will rise to the top,
Hell no, I won’t stop.
Haters just wanna see me flop.
‘cuz every big mess needs a mop.

I’ll take my seat on the throne.
Have a  sip, good patron.
Spend a moment, clean up my spill.
****, now I’ve got some time to ****.
This is my first rap-style poem.  It was inspired by ****** in Paris.  Its not really long enough to be a full song, but I think it flows well. :)
 Dec 2013
Andrew Parker
Totally forgot to post my new poem.
February 2, 2012


Do they ache?
Do they break?
Will they be there when you wake?
Can they be fake?
Could I make
or maybe a ton?
Wouldn't that be so much fun?
Fun, fun.
I want some.
Who can I get it from?
Street ***.
Stranger's hum.
My feelings going numb.
**** my thumb.
Like a baby.
Please, someone save me.
Whine, whine!
You are mine.
On these drugs,
tonight I'll dine.
But then turn on a dime.
Throw up.
Wish I'd just grow up.
Give up on this drug cup,
I mean cocktail.
My lungs fail.
I look so pale.
And this is the end of my sorry drug tale.

Are drugs good friends?
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