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 Jan 2014
Gabrielle Ayoub
Why did you spend an eternity in the past when now moments spent are few
Why did you fill colors in my life just to now leave me all blue
Why did you make me so addicted to you that now I think of you in whatever I do
Why did you put me in this position where our love cannot come true

God help me forget this precious treasure
Oh how did I arrive to this torture

In this moment I can see clearly
I know you back-stabbed me, you are no longer my friend
You played with my sensitivity
And now you pretend that you never cared, this is the end

I will erase everything about you
Everything you touched and smelled
I am moving on to live without you
I know your love was all pretend
 Dec 2013
Gabrielle Ayoub
The door is shut
Nobody gets in
The curtains are drawn
They can't see a thing

The lights are out
To no one I cling
This house is deserted
And my heart is weeping

Dark shadows and threatening skies
Remain in my heart that slowly dies
Some kind of madness is starting to evolve
Or is it just sorrow swallowing me whole?
 Dec 2013
Gabrielle Ayoub
These paper cutouts of their lonely lives
Bricks crumble among the uprising skyline
Yet everyone wanders towards the dark hued sky
For questions that are asked with unknown mystery

Sometimes the intrusive thoughts lead nowhere
But I have to know what the world hides out there
Sometimes I wonder if an answer will end my despair
If the undisclosed is yet to become History
 Dec 2013
Gabrielle Ayoub
I am lost, i am broken
I feel hopeless and so lonely
My scars are wide open
And no one is coming for me

My fragile soul is bleeding
I can't take the pain anymore
The angel of death is coming
To take me to heaven's door

I tried to reach out for love but it fell apart
It can't rise above a wounded heart
And you can't stop me from falling apart
Because my endless agony is all your fault

My life has come to an end
Cinder and dust i will become
My breath is starting to fade
And i'm starting to feel so numb

I'm tired of my heart being broken
Of these tears falling down my face
I'm tired of this love being taken for granted
My life has become a shame, a disgrace
This poem is completely random, it's not about me or anyone in particular. Sorry if you think i'm a freak lol
 Dec 2013
Gabrielle Ayoub
I often wonder if the world will stop
If it will cease to spin like a top
Would we fall off? Would we drop?
Will the planet fizz and pop?

What will happen to the trees?
The wonderful little birds and bees?
They will vanish like none has before
And so I sigh and walk out the door

— The End —