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 Jan 2016
Emily B
every once in a while
i send you a note
two words
simple and true
'forgive me'

the ritual started
as a way
to say
when i died
and before i was

so every once in a while
i re-trace old scars
and beg you
to forgive me

and when you answer,
if you answer
you say you already have

but your voice
doesn't feel like forgiveness
and your heart feels hard

and i keep hoping
that one day i will ask again
and you will say
'forgive me'
 Jan 2016
Emily B
my mother
always went to psychics
and palm readers
there were things
she wanted to know

i've been looking
at the lines on my hand
and they
never seem to be
in the same place

i wonder
what a palm reader
might have to say
about that

i haven't seen
one of those neon signs
in years and years
i doubt that i could
in all good conscience
push aside the curtain
of curiosity
to ask the question

i am half tempted
to trace all the lines
in permanent black marker
to see
if i can see
how far they wander
 Jan 2016
Emily B
things have been
a little

keep popping up
on the

and maybe
the roof
blew off once

i have learned
to be
of clouds

but maybe
if you hold my hand
i will learn
to thrill
in the thunder again
 Jan 2016
Emily B
i want to
walk through
your voice

i dare not

i can not
your number

but i long to wade through words
hear you laugh
one more time

i am missing
your arms
but i would

gladly settle
for the warmth of your voice
 Dec 2015
Emily B
love isn't always
hearts and roses

it's an ashtray
perched precariously
between us

sometimes it's a
purple crocus
in January

sometimes it's just
the smile
I see
in your eyes
poetry has the ability to make questionable decisions almost lovely
 Dec 2015
Emily B
the smiling creator
takes his light in his hands
and whispering something
of lovely summer
places tiny seeds in pots
and hovers close
anticipating the joys
of imperceptible growth
 Dec 2015
Emily B
I remember you
your whispered half-questions
resembling the thoughts I almost had
on another cloudy day.
Your honest words filled me,
tempted  me into flights of
unexplored consciousness
and step by step I ventured
farther from my own locked doors.
I wandered out alone
into bright, dead-of-day streets
full of my own possibilities
seized by my own fallibilities.
Some days I will meet the gaze
of the demons that haunt this world
but on others
when my self-fed fears are too much
I may need you to walk beside me.
Take my hand.
Your words are my strength.
Your strength is my hope.
My hope is your redemption.
We will save one another.
 Dec 2015
Emily B
I've never liked
looking in the mirror.
Something about the reflection-
never suited me.
That face couldn't be mine,
could it?
So today when
I felt your heart beating
in my chest
I wondered
at the strangeness of your particular rhythm
and how it beats so perfectly within me.
One day, maybe,
when time slants sideways
we will escape back into-
whatever it was-
we were before
 Dec 2015
Emily B
I am no Wendy;
but my voice brings you back to me.
And you sit around my feet,
anxious for a story
or a kiss.
Listening to my words
spinning adventures,
like so much golden thread;
spellbound by my gentle whisper.
You are welcome to stay,
through spring rain
and autumn crisping,
though you still search
for someone with soft hands
and bountiful breast.
And when my gracious gifts spill over
from my full-grown lap,
you scoop them up with wondrous hands
and all the hunger
of a Lost Boy
 Dec 2015
Emily B
I read once that Emily Dickinson had trouble learning to tell time, I can well
understand her reluctance. . .*
I am sometimes
at the way I linger
too long on yesterday's news
and the foolish way
I sing songs that drifted away long ago.
Conversations long dead
still swirl in my squirrely sub-conscious.
Someday, maybe,
when my favorite fashions
have come back in vogue again,
I will be on time
with what I ought to know.
 Dec 2015
Emily B
sins of the past
however wrongly accused
should be forgiven--
let go; burnt offerings to falcon gods
sad ashes that float on the same winds
as yesterday's mis-spent dreams

am I then my father's daughter
blind and mute and imperfect?
unable to express the nervous tragedy
of days that follow after days

perhaps one morning my children
will offer these dry bones
on that same stone altar

perhaps I will be forgiven too
 Dec 2015
Emily B
Like the ember
unseen in the ashes,
my heart will someday
flame passionately.
One breath--
is all I need
to change this
seeming-charred soul
into a
inspired at an honest-to-God 18th century revival at the Red River Meeting House
 Dec 2015
Emily B
Leftover yarn
wanted to be something
and so I began
to crochet stitches and rows
until it started
to resemble a scarf.
I thought of you
as my hands worked
how you would
appreciate the soft angora thread
how the length
of it would keep you warm
on cold days
when you might be missing me
it is yours, if you want it

I never was much
for rambling on and on about a thing
but if you could see my thoughts
well, then, I guess
you'd know
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